
November 30, 2022

Prayer Tree:

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


I ask prayer for Janell and mark as they mourn the death of their son

Over the past years I have steadily lost my faith and have struggled to get it back. In the past couple weeks, it is hanging by a thread. I believe with all my being that God does not like me, despite my praying and even begging Him to show me what I need to do for him to love me. I am not a bad person, at least not that I am aware of but seem to be in His eyes. I fear praying anymore, because the opposite always happens. I feel He is punishing me, and I don't know why. This has been for almost ten years and although I have searched out the most faithful to help me, today I think I must give up. So whatever prayers you feel may help me, or direction would be so appreciated. Thank you

I'm a caregiver to my parents, dad has cancer mom high blood pressure. I need to be stronger. Please let up on his pain. Maybe I'm not praying the right way. I just need GOD to know. Thank you Leila Snow.

Godbless all our leaders walking in God's will.oversee our military and 45

"Please ask the Lord that our move to Richmond,VA will smooth and I will find employment Milo, Michelle & Josie "

"Update on newborn baby Lucas after heart surgery. Baby is done with surgery. He is in recovery. They think he is responding really well to the procedure so they closed his chest. The next few days will tell! We are so thankful. Please keep those prayers coming. "

Safe journeys for my sister in law who is traveling home after spending the Thanksgiving holiday with us.

My sister Elaine in Texas...she has liver cancer!!!Thank you!

Will you please continue to pray for my sweet dog, Brutus? He has a tumor that was infected and his vet tested him for cancer which turned out negative. However, since his tumor was infected she said that can change the results and give a false negative on the test. The vet prescribed antibiotics for him and said we need to test him again. He may get tested next Monday. Will you please pray for him that he does not have cancer, that there is no more infection and that it will be a simple surgery for our vet to remove the tumor? God has given us miracles before and we ask that God will heal Brutus again. Thank you!

Please continue to Pray for Rebecca Dyson. God knows the needs. Thank you

Healing for debilitating arthritis and recovering from a stroke for my aunt and uncle

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Husband's cardioversion shocks to rectify Afib has worked and we are praying heart STAYS in normal rhythm AND his latest biopsies for melanoma have come back benign! We give thanks and praise.

My neighbor has two masses in intestines and will have surgery today. Pray all will turn out well for her. Thank you.

"Please pray for my son and daughter-in-law as they follow their dream of creating an equestrian center that aims to give children a positive experience. A place where children of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities learn how to ride, resposibility of caring for their horse and hopefully experience the love of Christ.

I also want to encourage anyone who is praying for God to move helping to repair a relationship. My daughter-in-law have not been close since her marriage to my son. I have tried in my own strength to figure out how to relate to her. Finally, after too much time, I turned it over to The Lord. It wasn't immediate, but in His time, things had completely turned around!! I am not surprised, but I am so eternally grateful. She and my son have even asked me to move to the farm once they get my cottage built. Folks, this was ALL GOD! Continue to life your family in prayer. God hears you!"

I don't know if anyone has prayed for Stephen Paul he finished 90 day rehab & is living in. Sober living home, can't find a job & us depressed, not working his program, does t have a sponsor, & fighting cravings satan wants him & I'm asking prayer for protection from the enemy, relief from depression & cravings, and to find employment. His first child, a daughter, is due in January praying that God completely heals him of addiction

Prayers for Cassidy. She's 27 in the hospital. Doctors give small percentage of survival and recovery. God has the final say! Pray for healing and strength for her mother. Thank you

For Carmen for healing and other issues that God knows.

Young mother of three Brooke who gave birth. Slipped going to bathroom hit head an still unconscious prayers needed.

For Tom G who passed away yesterday after fighting against cancer. May he rest peacefully in the arms of the Lord

"NP way up pulse dangerously low. Waiting for a phone call from my cardiologist. I have planned a cruise for over a year. I'm supposed to leave next Monday. I'm having dizzy spells heart palpitations and some chest discomfort. I'm asking for healing in the name of Jesus. I want to see my great grandchildren. Jesus give me strength stamina one more time I pray."

Prayers requested for my brother who recently lost a child. Their hearts are heavy and we're asking the Lord to comfort and uphold him and his family. His health is also very poor and he needs healing. We covet your prayers for this good man.

"Linda Lu Dobson Tri-Cities, Washington (state) Had a couple of shunts placed be and is no eeding the staples a BB d stiches removed on December 5th... She needs transportation to Harbor view in Seattle for these procedures. Asking for some one in that area to answer this request..if not transportation at least monetary donation for gas. Thank you for adding Linda to the prayer request group."

Please pray for my daughter Alicia. Her cancer has returned and I'm afraid she may have waited too long because she thought she was suffering with diverticulitis.

That my husband and I would recover from COVID and that no one that we were around gets it. Thanks - Mary

Please pray for Stephanie who is a single mother of three moving to a diferent state.

Please pray for my friend. She went through a horribly painful Mammogram that caused a puncture of a non-cancerous tumor. However, the radiologist found another lump with cancer. She is frightened and would appreciate all of your prayers for Ann that we can shower on her. I am praying for peace as she undergoes radiation. Thank you.

Please continue to lift my daughter K, up in pray. Her mental state is dire, she was doing okay and all of a sudden she's not. She says she feels like she's going crazy, doesn't understand what is happening. I am staying with her, please pray God has his will and that he will help her through whatever is going on. She needs a mental miracle, the situation is dire. Thank you I pray for each of you daily and I appreciate your prayers so very much, may God bless each of you.

"Thank you for the update on precious little Warren. I have prayed for him since day one and I'm sorry for his family that he lost his battle. I hope they will trust the Lord to give them peace and healing. PS 34:18

To all the parents dealing with adult children issues; get your hands on ""Praying for Your Adult Children"" by Stormie Omartian. It's amazing. I have prayed my entire life but this book helped me focus on the details and cry out to the Lord for my kids individual needs."

Thank you for updating us on little Warren, we have prayed for so long. The Lord decided to bring him home and we are happy for Warren but extremely sad for his loving family. We will keep praying for you as you all go through this loss.

My cousin, Dolores, lost her husband Kiki from liver disease today. Pray for comfort and peace for the whole family. God Bless You All.

MEKHAI ... beautiful little boy who can't walk. He drags himself around. John Hopkins and Childrens Hospital have no answers. God knows, God heals .. please pray for this child.

Abba Father. Be with us as we travel this road, into a world of the unknown of cancer. We are afraid. We need you to walk with us to keep us in step with your will. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Father. ??

Please pray for Herschel as our country needs godly people in leadership. Herschel has addressed his past by writing a book and giving speeches about his difficult problems and how he received help. Yet, his opponent, who is a pastor,does not believe in redemption. Instead, he has spent over $150 million dollars attacking Herschel's family, his Christian faith, his intelligence, and his character. Herschel has withstood these attacks with dignity. I ask you Prayer Warriors to lift up Herschel and pray that he is elected to the U.S. Senate as he is a strong Conservative who will work for us. Blessings to all of you.

Please continue to pray for Cy. She has stage 2 colon cancer and had two operations since 10/21/21. She still will have two more chemo. Doctors will review her condition after that. Please pray for a cancer free recovery. Also pray her to accept Jesus as her savior. Thanks.

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