
April 13, 2023

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

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Mike Huckabee

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Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Please pray for Clinton K. In VA hospital and has contracted a fungus, had a botched surgery, and is just now out of the woods but far from recovered. Keep Clinton, his family, and all of our military heroes in your prayers. Thank you.

Laurie - praying for you in these dark hours you are having. Please reach out and let us know you are praying to find joy in your times of struggle. We are praying for you and love you as our sister in Christ! May He guide you and comfort you...

Please pray for my son, James. He has complications from multiple myeloma treatment. I live about 6 hours from him. Thank you.

I can’t seem to shake my depression. It's getting worse all the time. I would never hurt myself. I have too much to live for. It' s so bad I couldn't even make myself go to Easter Service, which is my favorite. Please pray for me. Thank you. 

Please pray for Rob who is being treated for severe back pain. Also for Tim undergoing chemo and radiation for cancer of the esophagus. Also, Sharon's family. Sharon passed suddenly at 71 years from chronic illness. These are members of a large family. Thank you.

Prayer that God will step in and stop this madness, continue to protect our babies and children being lead astray. Prayer that God will soften these people's hearts and they will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and and Saviour.

Please pray for Kevin to come home soon, he's having a difficult time being so far away. Thank you.

Please pray for my Daughter, Jennifer Lynn Watkins. She continues to struggle with pain in her abdomen area from the cervical cancer that was diagnosed earlier last year. She's been through chemotherapy and internal radiation treatments. It was successful, but at the cost of her bladder and other areas. She had a PET SCAN recently and her abdomen lit up like a Christmas tree again. Please pray for her. And I rebuke the ole devil who is seeking to destroy her!

For Robin, a breast cancer survivor who has her mammogram on Saturday.

For Lauren who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. That she may survive and thrive!

High blood sugar. Praying for total deliverance. Praise the Lord! Rick

Ofelia, once again I come requesting prayers for my upcoming hernias removal surgery. In June, 2022, I had 10 inches of colon removed. It was major, major surgery after suffering with cronic diverticulitis for over a year. Surgery was successful thanks to all prayers, but now I have 2 large hernias on the large incission, & more surgery is required. Praying all will go well, and no more surgeries will be required. God is my Great Physician and surgeon. Praying also for Meagan, my granddaughter's baby delivery. May God allow a normal delivery with no C-section, and a very healthy and normal baby boy. 

Please pray for continued health for a friend Jorge, who has cancer that is being treated, but has destroyed his kidney function. He is a hard working Christian and is waiting for a his cure to be complete enough to be put on the donor list. At least another 2-3 years of dialysis.

Requesting prayers for my daughter K, she's on still struggling after a heartbreaking breakup. In Jesus name I bind for temporary hurt the enemy is trying to put on her. I ask God for peace and hope over her mind for this pain has to leave her mind, in Jesus name - Matthew 18 19 days if 2 or more ask and agree it shall be done. Also pray for my son W, his mind races and he is battling, as we all are, the devil trying to bring us down. Thank you

"Prayer for Sarah, who has much to do herself and her disabled son, for Teresa and her daughter who desperately need salvation, for Tina or her daughter who is been involved in demonic cults, and for her two small grandchildren who are living in bad situations. A prayer for Mary as she continues with chemo treatment and that it will be successful. prayer for Judy suffers from much RA pain, and renewal of son and daughter saved but backslide."

Please pray for my daughter heother so that she comes back to the Lord she's lost right now and I ask and I pray Jesus's name every day

Please continue to pray for Carmen for healing and other issues that God knows. God bless you all always.

I'm the name of Jesus we decree any activity to taint our food supply or cattle, milk production with the likes of MRNA additives is halted, condemned, exposed for the evil it is NOW. Godbless all wholesome systems in seed production! We won't tolerate insidious attempts to put what amounts to poison in our water or anything ingested for nutritional purposes in Jesus Name Amen

"Riley is a 4 month old little girl who has never left the hospital where she was born. She is to have a very serious surgery April 19th that is her last hope for recovery."

Please continue to Pray for Rebecca Dyson. Please Pray for her Health, Job and finances as all are a struggle currently. In Jesus name, Amen.

Share What You Are Grateful For:



I am SO grateful for God's never-ending, always-enduring love! Thank you, Lord, for loving me more than I deserve! Let me be a vessel for you!

I'm grateful for God's love and hedge of protection.

I am grateful for God's peace, guidance, and strength in the midst of tribulations!

The treatment I was on and Jesus have healed me of Hepatitis C!

HYMNAL: Standing on the Promises


Author: Russell Kelso Carter


1 Standing on the promises of Christ, my King,

Through eternal ages let his praises ring;

Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,

Standing on the promises of God.



Standing, standing,

Standing on the promises of God, my Savior;

Standing, standing,

I'm standing on the promises of God.


2 Standing on the promises that cannot fail.

When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,

By the living Word of God I shall prevail,

Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain]


3 Standing on the promises of Christ, the Lord,

Bound to him eternally by love's strong cord,

Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword,

Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain]


4 Standing on the promises I cannot fall,

List'ning ev'ry moment to the Spirit's call,

Resting in my Savior as my all in all,

Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain]


Buy Mike Huckabee’s Book: A Simple Government

Mike Huckabee has continued to be the voice of common sense conservatism, through his television talk show, his radio commentaries, and his lectures around the country. Now he's written a book that sums up the twelve things we really need from Washington to get the country back on the right track. These twelve essential truths will have you nodding in agreement, whether you're a Republican, an Independent, or even an open-minded Democrat. They can help us put aside our differences, tone down the partisan rancor, and return to the simple principles of the Founding Fathers: liberty, justice, personal freedom, and civic virtue. Originally published in 2010, Mike's solutions can help us tackle even the most seemingly complicated of today's problems. 

To purchase this book, go to A Simple Government - Mike Huckabee

I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading.


In the comments on my website, every day, I find readers thanking me for sharing God's word.  If you would like to help me spread God's word, forward this email to a friend or family member and ask them to please sign up using the link below.  Thank you.

- Mike Huckabee


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