
February 7, 2023

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

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Mike Huckabee

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19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matthew 28:19

Prayer Tree:

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form .


Please pray for Professor Jimmy (my son) who is fighting a cough & som sinus junk to successfully give his lectures this week in Jesus Mighty Healing Name Amen

For JG a child doing Gods work after adults were blind/ignorant to internet crimes against children. JG is wrongly heinously accused/being prosecuted by either intentionally ignorant or complicity evil LE. JG was protecting the most vulnerable by informing against demented wicked perverts who are thriving now that resources are misdirected at JG.

Pray for my best friend Lora. She has had a difficult life and is realizing she needs to control her anger issues. She is a Christian. Please ask our Lord God to heal her and give her hope and peace.

Continue to pray for our sweet Heather who is in rehab for drugs, our prayers are being answered folks, she doing well and will celebrate her 23rd birthday next Sunday she will get a pass and celebrate with her family. Thank you. BGM

My daughter, Catherine Elaine has experienced a ruptured spinal disc and has been in excruciating pain for days, and can not have a scheduled surgery for 2 more weeks, pain so bad she can hardly breath, please pray they will advance her surgery to immediate! And that in meantime, her pain will subside to being able to function. thank you Lord Jesus, our Jehovah Ralpha our God of all things. I would like to receive a free trial to Mike Huckabee's advertisement-free newsletter on Substack.

Please continue to pray for my daughter Shelly, I have been asking for prayers for her to return to God, but now feel she may have never truly accepted Him as her Savior. Please pray for her Salvation.

Plz pray for continued healing for these come & go heart palpitations for 39 years. So scary. Thank you.

Prayers for Warren that God will select & bring a good Christian woman into his life. He is being used by the women he's meeting. He is graciously giving which God wants us to do, but he is being hurt in the process, he is becoming unempathetic. May God guide his 32 year old mind in all decisions he makes for his life. He is a believer and was regularly going to church, but pulled back some. He did attend church this past Sunday, Thank you dear God! May God have his will in his life and guide him to the man he wants him to be. Your prayers are very appreciated, Thank you.

Michael Hannah and Rachael. Struggling with addictions and mental health issues. Please pray that demonic chains would be broken and that their eyes would be opened. I pray for a miracle in their lives.

Prayers for Heather - young lady is struggling with her health; had a stroke and is having seizures, fatty liver disease etc. Her husband left and divorced her, her daughters Dad is trying to take custody of her. She has been unable to work in over a year. Struggling to pay her rent, utilities etc. I pray God will provide and his will be done.

I am asking prayer for myself. Tomorrow will meet with oncologist and oncology radiologist to discuss treatment plan after needle biopsy taken last wed. An irregular mass was seen encompassing the spleen on CT scan. Been a rough 2 months since all this has come up appt with wrong oncologist, then ending up in hospital on day of appt with oncologist. Severe discomfort in abdominal area. I am trusting in God and keeping the faith. Thank you all so much and may God continue to bless your ministry. 

Please pray for the salvation of my family member's, Rena, Mark, Ryan, Joshua, Amy, Bret, Jackie and Al, Kristian and her family, Leahsa, Josh, Becky and John, Chris and Shirley, and Daniel. Also please pray for my daughter's heart to be softened and for her to walk in love with my grandson's and son in law, and me. Thank you. God is faithful.

Need prayers for C. B. to open up her mind to change that has to take place. Pray that she draws closer to God and not farther away.

My granddaughter Mayson just found a lump/mass in her breast area and she's probably underweight for her height so it was easy to notice. Please pray that it is benign and easily removable and for God's healing upon her. She is a Christian! She's 18 and scared I'm sure! I thank you all in advance!

For Vinnie C who has been waiting for a heart/lung transplant. His condition is deteriorating. Another device being put on his heart tomorrow 

Please pray for me, Diana, that my diverticulitis and pain lessen. I'm in a lot of pain. Thank you and God bless!

My daughter, Lindsey is a 29 yo single mom of my grands age 3&4. She has stage 4 endometrial cancer. She has been admitted to a trial 3 hours north of where we live. We are praying that this facility will be effective in killing the cancer with immunotherapy and chemo. Her ex husband is a narcissist.

Please continue to pray for Carmen for healing and other issues that God knows. God bless you all always.

Please pray for my neighbor, Kathy, who has liver cancer.

Share What You Are Grateful For:



I'm so grateful for all God has done and will do for me. I am so grateful for His love and blessings.

Grateful for sun and warming weather ! Urge those in need of jobs to broaden their job search by reaching out for help through local government and community. Police and fire departments here are hiring; many businesses have help wanted signs. There is a shortage of caregivers everywhere. Teaching out for help is not easy or comfortable but it is part of the process now.

I am grateful for my family and friends

I had a birthday on Saturday, and I'm grateful for the many friends who reached out to me with blessings on Facebook. God has been so good to me!

I'm grateful that there will be no more pain and tears.

I am grateful for salvation! For the love of Jesus every day of my life. I am truly a blessing lady can’t thank him enough for his mercy & grace!!


HYMNAL: Revive Us Again

Author: W. P. Mackay



1 We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love,
for Jesus who died, and is now gone above.


Hallelujah! Thine the glory, hallelujah! Amen!
Hallelujah! Thine the glory, revive us again.


2 We praise thee, O God, for thy Spirit of light
who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night. [Refrain]


3 We praise thee, O God, for the joy thou hast giv’n
to thy saints in communion, these foretastes of heav’n. [Refrain]


4 Revive us again, fill each heart with thy love.
May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. [Refrain]

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Thank you for reading.

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  • Paul Kern

    02/08/2023 11:52 AM

    Prayers as I look for a healthier church