
March 17, 2023

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

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Mike Huckabee

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Righteousness exalts a nation,

But sin is a [a]reproach to any people.

Proverbs 14:34 NKJV

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Praying for wisdom to organize all my paperwork to submit for Social Security and Medicare benefits. Thank you, Jesus. Marie

My son was scheduled to get married next June to the love of his life. We all received word that his future mother in laws cancer is advancing at an alarming rate. They moved the wedding up to next month.(April) so that she can see her daughter her married. We pray that this fine, kind woman can still be strong enough to see her daughter married and God willing, free her of this insidious cruel disease.

That the cancer stay out of Heather's (a young mother) body and never return. That she shall be healed from the cancer and all the negative effects that the treatments caused in her body.

For Jim- that he may receive his kidney transplant and his health be restored.

For Kim- that she detoxes from all her prescriptions and her body be healed

For Mandi and Matt to become parents

For Hannah and Matt to conceive again

I have Chronic Kidney disease and I eel so sick and dizzy at times please Pray for me that I will get better soon.Thank you and God Bless 

Please pray for America. Pray that the 2024 election is a free and fair one and that Americans wake up and elect a strong conservative president as well as strong , honest congresspeople. We on the brink and need to take our country back. In God we trust.

"Please pray for my 6 year old nephew Grady who suffers from PCD, a rare genetic disease with no cure. He has frequent respiratory infections which requires him to be on antibiotics almost constantly, use breathing treatments and percussion vest several times a day to loosen secretions. If all of this fails, it will result in respiratory failure and need for lung transplant"

"I've asked for Prayer for our Pastor Randy Skeens. He has multiple myeloma and can't take chemo because of damage to his kidneys from CT dye they used to rule out clots in his lungs. He's very weak from the dialysis three times a week, and is need of a miracle from GOD. Please keep him in your Prayers. Our church needs our Pastor back, and I feel he's about given up."

For Guy, who had successful quadruple bypass. He is home but experiencing nightmares, anxiety and doesn't want to do anything but sit. His doctor told him he needs to walk for his health. Please pray for him and his wife , Susan, who is his caregiver.

Please pray for patience and empathy and healing for both me and my husband during this difficult time time. Amen

Please continue to pray for my daughter Jordan that she find a strong Christian man as her life partner. She is a good woman who deserves to love and be loved. Thank you prayer warriors.

Please send prayers,of healing to me for good health. Thank you.

Please pray for my daughter Amy that she finds a good Christian man to turn her life around and find happiness and strength. Thank you!

Please pray for my grandson Gavin that he matures and finds full time employment in his police department and that he will be safe. Thank you!

Katie Bigelow critical condition-coma in an auto accident

Please pray for my son and daughter-in-law that their marriage strengthens, and she leaves the other an alone forever. Thank you!

Grandson, he suffers with depression and lack of self worth. He needs salvation.

Pat, you did the right thing by lifting this baby & her dad up to Jesus on the Prayer Tree. Mike's wife, as one who had both my knees replaced, may I suggest that Mike make full use of the knee icer & take the Rx pain meds at night only to help him sleep. He can get through the day by OTC pain meds ,icing, & his p/t. He will do great ! Blessings, Peggie Potter

Pray that the Lord delivers me from post-covid issues. I've been sick for 2 years 3 months. I'm almost always home alone and having a very hard time with loneliness and trying to help myself. Pray that our son will come back to God and be willing to see us again. We haven't seen our grandbaby for a year and 3 months. It's very hard to hold on to hope and life.

Please pray for Kevin to keep up his strength and help him with all the paperwork to get home. Thank you for your prayers.

Anita Carney

Please continue to Pray for me, Rebecca. I have been diagnosed with Anemia and a high Red Blood cell count. Please Pray for my Health, my job, my finances, my mother, my pets. I would also like to Thank the Lord for all these wonderful Blessings. Amen

"All of your prayers for my sons James and John have meant the world to me.

To each of you who have addressed me and my boys personally, I can't thank you enough and please know that I pray for you and all of your sons as well. We are all in this together with God. A quick update on James: He got a job which hinders him going to rehab. All I can do is pray and to ask you all to continue your prayers as well for both of my boys. Thank you so much and God bless you to the fullest."

Please pray for Bill that the misinformation being spread about him will stop and be corrected

Anxiety & depression. Breathing and to quit smoking.

My husband has been suffering with severe foot pain for 13 years. He's 79 and is so tired of the pain.

Please pray for my daughter Shelly for her salvation and that God would give her a sound mind.

To Tina and Greg. James tells us to "Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." James 1:2-3. I know that they gave you a reason why you were "no longer needed" but considering how much things have changed in the past couple of years, my thought is that they just wanted a more Progressive chaplain. They may have removed you from the department, but they can't stop you from praying for them! May God bless you and your former department.

Please continue to pray for Carmen for healing and other issues that God knows. God bless you all always.

Lord heal all the mental illness and ignorance in our world. There is so much of it.

Answered prayer for my 26 year old daughter's surgery. It went well and she is home. Appears there is no cancer!

Prayers for Holly N who is recovering from colon surgery.

"Please pray for my daughter as she has her own health problems and she has the weight of getting my house repaired after a water leak. The insurance company is not paying as much money to us to repair it as it is costing. I don't have much money as a retiree on a limited income. She is dealing with the insurance company as well as the contractors. She is a worrier by nature. Thank you."

Help me to forgive people

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a while now and it is weighing pretty heavy on my heart. This would be our first child. In a few months, my doctor wants me to come back and start fertility treatments. I don't want to take any fertility medication but I will submit to whatever God wants me to do. Please pray for patience for my husband and I and that we will conceive soon.

Share What You Are Grateful For:



I am grateful things at my daughter's job are improving! Thank you for your prayers! Please keep them coming!

The fact that I have a job when others are unemployed and I have a place to live when some people are out without any place to live. Thank you for taking care of me Jesus.

I am grateful I know the Lord and walk with Him daily. I am praying for my sons and other family members who haven't accepted Him into their hearts yet. Time is short and if you don't known Him personally yet now is the time to admit we are all sinners, accept Him into your heart and walk with Him daily. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I look forward to spending eternity with Him!

Prayer Warriors all around the world as they take it upon themselves to bear ye one another's burdens.

I am grateful things at my daughter's job are improving! Thank you for your prayers! Please keep them coming!

HYMNAL: Hail to the Lord’s Anointed


Author: James Montgomery


1. Hail to the Lord's Anointed,

great David's greater Son!

Hail in the time appointed,

his reign on earth begun!

He comes to break oppression,

to set the captive free;

to take away transgression,

and rule in equity.


2. He comes with succor speedy

to those who suffer wrong;

to help the poor and needy,

and bid the weak be strong;

to give them songs for sighing,

their darkness turn to light,

whose souls, condemned and dying,

are precious in his sight.


3. He shall come down like showers

upon the fruitful earth;

love, joy, and hope, like flowers,

spring in his path to birth.

Before him on the mountains,

shall peace, the herald, go,

and righteousness, in fountains,

from hill to valley flow.


4. To him shall prayer unceasing

and daily vows ascend;

his kingdom still increasing,

a kingdom without end.

The tide of time shall never

his covenant remove;

his name shall stand forever;

that name to us is love.

Buy Mike Huckabee's Book:

The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution

Forces on the Left seek to fundamentally change our nation by disregarding the principles upon which it was founded. Members of the media and liberal politicians seek to damage our economic, political, and educational systems for their gain. The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism, and the Constitution:

  • exposes the Left's plan to undermine the Christian values on which the nation was built
  • reveals how attacks on Christianity are part of the political agenda of Liberals
  • provides a clear understanding of capitalism and how free markets benefit all people
  • reveals how Liberals undermine capitalism with their socialistic policies
  • shows how the Constitution’s purpose to restrain government and protect individual liberty
  • unmasks the efforts of the liberal Left to subvert the power and relevance of the Constitution
  • exposes the current corruption in government and culture which undermines the principles on which the nation was founded

America faces a war of values that will determine its future and likely decide if it will continue as a great nation on the world stage. Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel sound a needed alarm to Christians and conservatives to answer the call to action and push back against the forces that desire to move America from its heritage and founding principles. It is time for God's people to take an active role in the political arena, not with violence, but with votes and voices that proclaim and defend the values that made our nation the brightest light of freedom the world has ever known.

To buy this book from Mike Huckabee go to his website here: 

The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee

I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading.


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- Mike Huckabee


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