
April 10, 2023

Good afternoon!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

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Mike Huckabee

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Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Matthew 10:16 KJV

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Prayers for favor for Wayne and Matthew. Prayers that Matthew will be released from prison quickly and safely. Amen 

Please continue to pray for Angie and her daughter. Her abusive ex boyfriend showed up at the bus stop uninvited every day this week and caused their child to have a temper tantrum. He has no rights in her life but he still wants power over her. Please pray that Angie can make good decisions for herself and her child.I pray for the salvation of all involved!

"Please pray for Bethany who was lured to Chicago by a very worldly friend named Winter. Winter needs prayer also. 19 year old Bethany has already been accosted on the train. God sent a stranger to help her.

Please pray for Amanda to pass her Master Tech exam. Pray for healing of relationships in our extended family. Please pray for Steve for healing from cancer. The last scan showed the tumors had receded. Please pray for Caroline's heart function to improve. Her doctors are ignoring her needs. Please pray for Jimmie to be able to breathe easier. He has pulmonary fibrosis. I have very few people I can share prayer needs with. Thank you for this place and for all you who are praying."

Please pray for my cousin who is battling cancer spread throughout her body. My daughter who is a recovering addict but is gay and I believe homosexuality is wrong. Pray for the safety of President Trump, our rightful President. Thank You

I'm grateful that my sister is cancer free three years after surgery. I pray for God's guidance in where she can find the plastic surgery she needs to enable her to eat and speak. The surgery never completely healed and she suffers from frequent infections.

Please pray for the pain in my shoulders to go away, and pray for Kevin to come home soon.

Jesus it’s me again, Barbara. Thank you Heavenly Father for the heart that beats within me, I've had it from birth. When the A-Fibrillation episodes appear I take no heartbeat for granted, Heavenly Father in your Son, Jesus name and by the Holy Spirit heal my heart once again, Amen 

Please pray for my granddaughter who is drug addict. She has been in and out of hospitals several times and refuses help. I also have two grandsons who are using marijuana. Along with this I have health problems. The doctor found that I have a mitral valve in left side of my heart that is nit functioning as it should. 

Please pray for Eloise & family whose daughter had a massive stroke. Pray for God's will for this family who may lose their daughter.

That my best friend will open his heart to truth in what's happening in our country and put aside his TDS and the Lord open his eyes to Truth!

Thank you Father for Wayne getting his son back.

"per the prayer line request...* use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors. PLZ see below I HAVE ADDED HIS NAME...JIM (JAMES) E. B. THANK YOU FOR UR PRAYERS. I WILL NOTIFY Y'ALL AS SOON AS HE FINDS WORK. PEACE!

Financial Health for my family THANK YOU *Much Prayers needed - we still have a child at home - - My husband*JIM(JAMES) E. B.* needs a good job with good people. His last job was with a foreign-owned company and they did NOT handle the 'plandemic' well for their employees. My husband ended up not working through the plandemic, and he is a US vet. People seem to only want to hire persons with a degree which doesn't make sense as he has 30 yrs in his field and graduated TOP of his class in Naval electronics school. He is, in my oppinion, more valuable than the average person with a BA degree. His industry is in fixing copiers & their connectivity through computer systems." [email protected]

I pray for everybody on our Prayer Tree nightly, We all need prayer, for one reason or another.

My son Joe. Still in addiction. Has upcoming court. Public defender said this judge won't sentence him 12 mo inside-jail rehab but could get up to 4 years in Florida prison, 1 yr each misdemeanor, but no felonies. Judge's reputation as uncompassinate, hard. Bi-polar, schizophrenic, no meds. He's not criminal,he needs rehab. Caught with needles, broke patio items, criminal mischief only on drugs. Please pray Judge's heart to be compassionate,please send to jail's rehab. Prayers he stops his Fentanyl addiction. It's been 7 yrs now, previously heroin. I'm so tired, getting older. Thank you so much.

Please pray for my daughters husband (fighting cancer), both of her in-laws (multiple severe heart and breathing issues), her 10 year old son (highly autistic and unable to process all thats going on), and for daughter herself, struggling to keep up as sole breadwinner/caretaker/mom/wife/ daughter-in-law. We are 5,000 miles away and it breaks our hearts what they are all going through. All we have are prayers to our Mighty Lord.

Please continue to pray for Angie, I just learned that she was fired from her job today. She made poor choices so she is partly responsible but this will make it hard for her to provide for her and her child. I pray she will saved.

I'm really battling with my depression. Please pray with Gods help I can get back to a productive life.

Please continue to pray for Carmen for healing and other issues that God knows. God bless you all always.

Please pray for all the Jan.6 wonderful people that are in jail for insurrection and have not had their day in court 

To Karen (mom of James and John): Praying daily for James and John, and wish you Easter blessings and joy.

Prayers for healing for Chris, Michelle and Jake, who have come down with Covid.

Thank you Father that I didnt have to eat dinner by myself.

Laura healing

Thankyou for gifting Drs with Your Wisdom and Truth… reward them for the good they do, Thy Will be Done, reinstate those who were muffled for telling the truth about the jab and tried to give the right meds in Jesus Name Amen

Prayer for Sarah, who has much to do herself and her disabled son, for Teresa and her daughter who desperately need salvation, for Tina or her daughter who is been involved in demonic cults, and for her two small grandchildren who are living in bad situations. A prayer for Mary as she continues with chemo treatment and that it will be successful. prayer for Judy suffers from much RA pain.

Prayers for Lisa and Wayne that their sight will never be dimmed.

For Laurie and any other contemplating suicide. I tried. I held a 357 against my head and pulled the trigger. The trigger would not budge. I kinda figured God didnt want it to happen. I grew closer to Jesus since that day. I had since enjoyed many accomplishments: Honorable retirement from the USAF, meeting my wife of 27 years (a big wow and thank you Jesus for this!), Working in human services helping a lot of folks, retiring again but not retired (I work more now, lol), holding a variety of positions in Church working for Jesus, and enjoying many other blessings. All this would have been missed. I would not have helped others. I thank Jesus for my life and yes, its not always roses but I am not alone and Jesus helps me through it all. Your life is valuable and you also can be a help to others. Look to Jesus. Become involved in studying His word. Develop a support network in a church that teaches from the Bible and pray. I pray that the Holy Spirit will help you.

Dear Christians, Please pray for my son Steven, having extensive heart/lung surgery on Monday, April 10. The procedure will begin very early and take approximately 10 hours, followed by two weeks' hospital recovery. Steve is a faithful Christian. We all trust in God and appreciate your prayers. 

Thank you Father for good weather.

I'm having problems at work and would like to ask that you pray for me. I have been praying for God's guidance in all areas of my life. Thank you, Debbie

For Brandon- that his practice financially recover from the Covid shutdowns almost three years later. That his practice finally takes off and he doesn't struggle financially any longer. That he is able to treat and heal many patients through the Lord here on earth.

For Alicia M to find her soulmate

For Jim H to receive a kidney transplant and for his surgery ans healing both be textbook with no complications.

For Hannah and Matt W and Mandi and Matt Y both to conceive a child

Share What You Are Grateful For:



I am grateful for your prayers. God Bless everyone

I am grateful for the LORD taking me through heart surgery where I had a valve replacement. The surgery was so successful that I now have a normal BP & Pulse Rate(without ANY medication) and feel 30 yrs younger(I am 82). PTL & THANK YOU, JESUS!

A devoted life partner who helps me navigate through life.

Grateful for my health, my family, friends. MOST of all my Savior Jesus.

I am grateful for a mild winter.

HYMNAL: Revive Us Again



Author: Author: W. P. Mackay


1 We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love,

for Jesus who died, and is now gone above.



Hallelujah! Thine the glory, hallelujah! Amen!

Hallelujah! Thine the glory, revive us again.


2 We praise thee, O God, for thy Spirit of light

who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night. [Refrain]


3 We praise thee, O God, for the joy thou hast giv’n

to thy saints in communion, these foretastes of heav’n. [Refrain]


4 Revive us again, fill each heart with thy love.

May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. [Refrain]

Buy Mike Huckabee’s Book: Basses and Guitars:  The Huckabee Collection

To purchase this book, go to The Huckabee Guitar Collection - Mike Huckabee

I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading.


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- Mike Huckabee


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