
March 10, 2023

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

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Mike Huckabee

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Surely your goodness and love will follow me

all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord


 Psalm 23:6 NIV

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Thank you Lord, GL is 4 mo sober! God has made such a difference in his life. Truly amazing. Please continue to pray for him to have a sound mind, free from desire for alchohol. Lord Jesus, guide him to the job you have for him.

Please pray for my husband to land a new job-one that he would enjoy and keep to retirement in a few years, but also one that pays the bills. He is 61 years old and age discrimination is real! He is a good man and a hard worker. Sadly, he has lost three jobs in the past six years. Covid cost him two of them; now a layoff. The stress of going through this again is real. May God please provide the perfect job soon. AMEN

Prayer Tina, her daughter who's got in a demonic cult, her grandson and granddaughter to be freed from a troubled home. For Teresa for her health and her daughters' salvation, for Mary for breast cancer and her chemo treatments."

Mike. Fighting kidney cancer

My 85 year old mother is in ICU with health issues from Covid from late December. Lungs, heart and kidneys deteriorated. Pray for healing.

My son's an addict. He has overdosed several times and the last time we almost lost him. My family in in turmoil because of his addiction.

Please pray for my husband's (Wayne) health...he has a laundry list of ailments including diabetes and heart failure. He is my heart. Thank you so much.

Please pray for my daughter Shelly that God would restore her mind and she would come to Him

Please pray for my daughter Danielle that a day shift would open up for her. She has 2 young kids and working at night is really rough on her.

Please pray for our families and friends who are traveling this month as schools are on spring break. May the Lord send his angels to guard and protect them.

Requesting prayers for my mother Gerry who has Alzheimer's. She was recently diagnosed with difficulty swallowing as her disease progresses.

Please pray for Connie and her family. She is a young mother of 5 recently diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer that has metastasized.

Please continue to,Pray for my Pastor Randy. He's had a set back and really needs GODs touch. Pray for the lost.

Please pray for Kevin for his health and strength and to get him home soon. Thank you.

My daughter, Debra, she has Crohns. She, also has stage 4 liver disease (NARS- Non alcohol related disease) from the Crohns medication. She had a hernia but the removed that in Jan. Blood "pooled" and she is in severe pain until her body absorbs it. She is depressed from all the surgeries. She also has a fistula between her vaginally and rectal area. I and my prayer warriors are praying for COMPLETE restoration. God is able. Thank you.

Please, pray for two young men in hospitals. Only our God can touch and heal them! Kerry and Chad.

For Ray L in Houston for surgery to replace massive aortic aneurism

Please continue praying for my sons James and John. Addiction is ruthless, but I know with God and our prayers all things are possible, and that they can and will be victorious over their addictions. Thank you so much, brothers and sisters.

My brother Mark going through Parkinson now trying to get right medications so he can mentally function. My heart is so broken for him. The behavioral hospital will not let us see him and very limited to the phone. 

Please Lord help Jimmy find favor with those he interviewed with for that perfect job in Jesus name Amen 

Please continue to pray for Carmen for healing and other issues that God knows. God bless you all always.

Prayers for Wayne's doctor appointment to go well.

Prayers for wisdom and favor for Lisa.

"Thank you Father!"

"Dear Karen Re: (James and John): We are praying continuously for both of your boys, and now especially James. I truly know how easily discouragement can set in, but fight not to let it happen, because they both are in the care of Jesus Christ....and being in the care of Jesus, the devil has no power. Also, ""Whenever two or more are gathered in MY NAME, there I am among them"". There are a lot of folks praying here, I'm sure. We also just ask the Holy Spirit to give them gifts of guidance and wisdom which will lift them up and carry them through. God bless you, your children and all of your family. Most sincerely, Elaine"

Prayers for justice for Michael B.

Monica, a young professional in Chicago who's been dealing w/ long covid over 2 years. Pray that's she's released from this sickness in the holy name of our Lord & Saviour Jesus.

For the woman being bullied by a co-worker ... record her remarks. After you get several things on tape, make an appointment with a supervisor. If this doesn't work file a harassment claim against the company. ... or you can leave them to their own misery and look for another job.

Samantha.better..2 yr old with RSV.TY JESUS

"Brandon had mri yesterday.Heart monitor for 2 weeks..on.medical leave from driving."

Prayer Tina, her daughter who's got in a daemonic cult, her grandson and granddaughter to be freed from a troubled home. For Teresa for her health and her daughters' salvation, for Mary for breast cancer and her chemo treatments."

Please pray for our granddaughter, Catelin. She is pregnant, and due in April. She has a beautiful daughter, who is 3. Last January, her baby boy was stilled. Now she has been having symptoms of pre-eclampsia this week, spending lots of time in the doctors, which shes not complaining about. Please pray for her and this baby. Keep them both healthy, and let her deliver a healthy baby. I know her and her husband are scared. They thankfully know the Lord. Thank you.

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HYMNAL: Trust and Obey


Author: John H. Sammis


1 Come, thou almighty King,
help us thy name to sing;
help us to praise.
Father all-glorious,
o'er all victorious,
come and reign over us,
Ancient of Days.

2 Come, thou incarnate Word,
gird on thy mighty sword;
our prayer attend.
Come and thy people bless,
and give thy Word success,
and let thy righteousness
on us descend.

3 Come, holy Comforter,
thy sacred witness bear
in this glad hour!
Thou, who almighty art,
now rule in ev'ry heart,
and ne'er from us depart,
Spirit of pow'r.

4 To thee, great One in Three,
eternal praises be
hence evermore!
Thy sov'reign majesty
may we in glory see,
and to eternity
love and adore.

I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading.


In the comments on my website, every day, I find readers thanking me for sharing God's word.  If you would like to help me spread God's word, forward this email to a friend or family member and ask them to please sign up using the link below.  Thank you.

- Mike Huckabee


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