
May 2016

Date Title
5/24/16 Obama's Tire Fire
5/23/16 Breaking News: Freddie Gray Case
5/23/16 The Cheesy Story of the day...
5/22/16 We shouldn't be surprised this happened at Berkeley...
5/20/16 The Magic of Free Speech
5/18/16 Obama’s Warning Against Inexperienced Presidents: His Best Joke Yet
5/18/16 Breaking News: This is an impressive list!
5/18/16 Ben Rhodes: Let's Define "Strategic" Communications
5/17/16 As Hillary Slips In the Polls, She Invokes the 1990s...
5/17/16 It Is Primary Tuesday
5/16/16 Eat Crow Bernie
5/15/16 Friends With Benefits
5/13/16 Sour Grapes Has Establishment Puckered
5/12/16 Is Donald Trump Sincerely Pro-Life?
5/12/16 Romney’s motto "Do unto Others as has been done unto me."
5/12/16 Did I Miss Something About Paul Ryan?
5/11/16 Wounded Warriors Display Their Invincibility
5/11/16 My Analysis of The Election Results Yesterday
5/11/16 Hillary's Walk of Shame Continues
5/11/16 My Afternoon Reading
5/11/16 Al Buraq - The new Palestinian Western Wall
5/11/16 President Trump?
5/10/16 Facebook Bias....Why Is this Shocking?!?
5/10/16 Obama's "You Got Lucky" Speech
5/10/16 Watch this 1988 Must-See Trump Video
5/10/16 My Morning Reading
5/10/16 This Celebrity Rapper Likes Trump!
5/9/16 Obama Team Is Hopelessly Incompetent
5/9/16 A Four Legged Hero
5/9/16 Mother of Top Hillary Clinton Adviser Promotes Sharia Law
5/6/16 A Suggestion For Rob Reiner
5/6/16 Obama's Iran Deal Weasel
5/6/16 The Rolling Stones Join Adele And Steven Tyler For This Nonsense...
5/6/16 "To Stop Clinton"
5/6/16 Chutzpah
5/5/16 On The Costs of Compliance ---And Non-Compliance
5/5/16 This might cause Hillary a headache!
5/5/16 Connecticut targeting the 2nd Amendment
5/5/16 Senator Bob Bennett Passes Away
5/4/16 The Voters Have Spoken
5/3/16 A Rogue's Gallery of Huck's Criminal Masterminds
5/3/16 Poll: Should Ted Cruz drop out of the race for President if he doesn't win Indiana?
5/3/16 Obama Aims For Gun Control, But Shoots Himself In Foot
5/3/16 Puerto Rico just missed a debt payment...
5/3/16 Amy Schumer can be very funny, but not this time...
5/3/16 Communism, Cuba…And America
5/2/16 Could Protesters Hand Trump The Election?
5/2/16 Make-Or-Break For Cruz, Kasich
5/2/16 The Transgender Bathroom Controversy

April 2016

Date Title
4/30/16 Poll: Trump is the GOP nominee, who should be his Vice President?
4/29/16 The Liberal Response To Everything: "Outrage First"
4/29/16 Mike Huckabee Media Alert
4/29/16 Will Ferrell Should Abandon This Idea...UPDATED
4/29/16 Which is the more valuable endorsement?
4/29/16 Having failed at banning guns by law...
4/27/16 Voters Send A Message
4/27/16 Think And Act In the Long Term
4/27/16 I'll Never Understand This...
4/26/16 Bernie Might Be Shocked By This
4/26/16 Yes, There Is One Glass Ceiling Hillary Still Can’t Crack
4/26/16 Amtrak Primary Today
4/26/16 Neighbors See Men Mowing 93-Year-Old’s Lawn, Had No Idea of Their Real Plan
4/26/16 Give Kasich A Break
4/25/16 Obama and Veterans
4/22/16 Returning to Fox News Channel
4/22/16 What this judge did is UNBELIEVABLE
4/21/16 A Republican Gun Owner ... Thanks Obama!
4/20/16 Buy-cott God's Not Dead 2