Not only do a majority of voters say they believe these prosecutions are politically-motivated, but a new Quinnipiac Poll blows away their last remaining hope. They actually think that if they can just get a biased judge and biased jury in a Trump-hating district to find him guilty of something criminal, Trump’s voters will at last turn on him.

Democrats backpedal

April 10, 2024

After three years of the Biden White House and its enablers in Congress, blue states and the media trying to force-feed Americans a diet of pure baloney, polls showing that the Party is facing an electoral hanging in November are suddenly concentrating their minds...

Primary results

April 4, 2024

Tuesday, more primary elections were held in New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Wisconsin. The results were so predictable (Trump and Biden won their respective contests easily) that it barely made the news, but here are the results if you’re inclined to look.
The Democrats and the media (pardon my redundancy) are crowing about how the star-studded fundraiser they held in New York last week while Trump was attending a memorial for a slain NYPD officer raised a record $25 million for Biden’s reelection. They’re also pointing to Biden’s campaign chest being twice as big as Trump’s.
Former Trump Vice President Mike Pence announced that he would not endorse Trump for President this year, but not for the reason that I’m sure the media would hope he would cite. Pence thinks Trump is not strong enough on conservative issues most important to him, like abortion. Read my thoughts:

So much winning

March 4, 2024

Over the weekend, Donald Trump added to his GOP primary lead with commanding wins in the Missouri, Michigan and Idaho caucuses.

However, there was good news for Nikki Haley: she finally won her first GOP primary. The bad news: it was in DC, where Republicans are nearly as rare as fiscal responsibility. She beat Trump by nearly 2-1 in the ground zero of federal government swamp dwellers, but that was out of a turnout of fewer than 2,000 voters, and who knows how many of them were actually Republicans. Personally, I doubt that there are that many Republicans in DC, and I also doubt that most Republicans outside of DC will consider being DC’s preferred Republican to be a selling point.

Maybe DC voters approve of the fact that she’s nowhere near even being elected yet and she’s already breaking promises she put into writing. That’s a very popular thing in Washington.

She might want to savor that victory while she can because tomorrow is Super Tuesday, when 15 states plus American Samoa hold primaries. Polls suggest that Trump could garner enough delegates to nearly lock up the nomination. It takes 1,215. He currently has 244 and 874 will be awarded tomorrow.

The latest polls, even from liberal outlets like the New York Times and CBS, show that Trump is solidly ahead of Biden. Worse for Democrats, voters not only rank Biden lower than Trump for handling issues of most importance to them, such as inflation and border security, but demographics that the Dems count on to win are turning on Biden and longing for a return to the days of Trump. Here’s a detailed roundup...

Among the findings: 97% of 2020 Trump voters say they are backing him again, while only 83% of Biden’s 2020 voters plan to make that mistake again (10% say they are switching to Trump, which if true would be devastating considering how narrow Biden’s margin was in 2020.)

Majorities of voters think Biden’s policies cause inflation to rise and hurt them personally (see, most people really are paying attention!) In a poll that must have left New York Times staffers feeling suicidal to report, Trump was ahead of Biden by nine points among men and tied among women, whom the Dems count on for their winning margin (maybe women are deciding that being able to abort babies up until they’re weaned isn’t as important as being able to afford groceries or not be robbed, raped or murdered if you step outside your house.) Although I’m certain the Dems are well ahead among people who claim they are no particular gender.

That poll also showed Trump actually ahead of Biden among Hispanics and at least cutting into the black vote to a level that would be catastrophic for Democrats if it holds.

I always caution people not to put too much stock in polls, especially polls taken months in advance of an election. These polls are encouraging (they suggest that people realize Biden’s policies have been terribly destructive to America, in some cases deliberately, and they don’t like it.) But the Dems have a ton of money for ads and free biased media on their side, and they’ve made it clear they will stop at nothing to preserve their power, from slanderous lies to trying to imprison their opponent to blocking his certification in the House (i.e., “assaulting our democracy,” which is apparently fine when they do it.)

If you love this nation and want it to survive, this is a “crawl over broken glass to vote” election. It needs to be not just a red wave but a red tsunami to overcome all the lies, lawfare, bullying and chicanery that the Dems will try to pull. So take a moment to enjoy the positive polls, then toss them aside and get back to work to win the only poll that counts, the one at the ballot box in November.