Trump was ABSOLUTELY Right! The Media are ENEMIES of the People! | Breakdown | Huckabee
November 24, 2021
Credit where it's due
November 24, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Congratulations to President Biden for finally getting a couple of things right. Monday, he angered “progressives” such as Elizabeth Warren by renominating Trump appointee Jerome Powell to another term as Federal Reserve Chair. Lael Brainard, whom the leftists wanted in charge, was nominated for Vice Chair.
In a statement, Biden said, “I’m confident that Chair Powell and Dr. Brainard’s focus on keeping inflation low, prices stable and delivering full employment will make our economy stronger than ever before.”
Warren railed that Powell was a “dangerous” choice because he wouldn’t prioritize such burning issues as “climate mitigation.” Most financial analysts breathed a sigh of relief, however, since they’d rather see the Fed concentrate on reducing inflation and keeping the economy and the dollar healthy, rather than trying to change the weather.
The other move by Biden that suggests he caught a fleeting grip on reality was his decision to release 50 million gallons of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to bring down gas prices, a move also being taken by other nations.
Don’t get me wrong: this is hardly a long-term solution. It’s only about a three-day supply for America. It won’t solve the problem of how to get a steady supply to fill our needs when the President and his Party are waging war on our domestic fuel industry. And as Joe Cunningham at suggests, they see this as just a mollifying stopgap while they force Americans to “transition” to unreliable and expensive green energy sources that can’t meet demand.
And former President Trump slammed the move because the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is supposed to be for national emergencies, not temporary relief from the bad consequences of your own stupid policies.
Many others agreed.
But at least Biden did show signs of understanding, even if only for a day, that there is a relationship between the supply of oil and gas and the price of oil and gas. It may be a small victory, but I’ll take miracles wherever I can find them these days.
Mike Huckabee BREAKS the MYSTERY of why the Country is in a Tailspin | Monologue | Huckabee
November 24, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Our "Racist System"
November 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
As irresponsible politicians, activists, celebrities and “journalists” continue trying to gin up riots over the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict while repeating debunked lies about the case, one of the more aggravating clichés to me is their claim that in our “racist system,” a young black man who shot someone would never be acquitted on grounds of self-defense.
I guess they were so preoccupied ranting angrily and ignorantly that they failed to notice that on the exact same day that Rittenhouse was acquitted by a jury of his peers, a verdict came in on the case of Andrew Coffee IV in Gifford, Florida (note: a red state.) Coffee was charged with the murder of his girlfriend Alteria Woods and the attempted murder of four sheriff’s deputies after they staged a raid of his home in the middle of the night. Police claim they announced their presence, but Coffee claimed he was asleep, he thought a flash-bang set off by deputies was gunfire by home invaders, and he grabbed his gun and fired. Deputies returned fire.
Coffee’s attorneys argued that he believed he was acting in self-defense, and the jury agreed, acquitting him on five of the six charges. He was found guilty of being a felon in possession of a gun, but that was hard to argue with. Unlike Rittenhouse, who, despite the many false claims of his critics, did have a legal right to carry the gun and didn’t take it across state lines (Jesse Watters made the good point that liberals don’t seem to care at all about our national borders, but they seem obsessed with the sanctity of the Wisconsin state line.)
So there’s an example of how the legal system in America really operates, when it operates fairly and isn’t tainted by politics and mob threats. Anyone, regardless of race, can assert their right to fire a gun in self-defense (in this case, even at police officers), and if a jury of his fellow citizens who examine all the testimony and evidence agrees, then he’s acquitted. You can agree or disagree with any particular trial outcome, but don’t attack the system unless you can come up with a better one.
Beware: "The Invasion Of The Fact-Checkers"
November 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
When we talk here about so-called fact-checkers, such as PolitiFact, we typically put quotations around the word “fact.” That’s because when it comes to politics, these websites often select their “facts” carefully, leaving out or shading information that is inconvenient, and sometimes even manufacturing it as needed –- all while accusing others of doing just that –- to “debunk” a claim and support a different narrative. When they can’t make that happen, they’ll sometimes borrow a skill often used in court or on the debate stage: change the original assertion so they can argue against their preferred one instead.
The people who work this way are not fact-checkers but advocates, or, to use the vernacular, hacks.
PolitiFact, created in 2008 to cover that year’s presidential election, became part of the Poynter Institute in 2018. The Poynter Institute trains journalists –- yes, believe it or not, they get training! –- and we would venture to say that the state of journalism today does not speak well of their performance in this area. The line between news reporting and opinion writing is now as meaningless as the border between Mexico and Texas.
The Poynter Institute also includes the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which is “dedicated to bringing together fact-checkers worldwide.”
More than 60 fact-checking organizations on six continents participate in IFCN’s work and sharing of “best practices,” and more than 30 organizations have passed the vetting process to become signatories to its Code of Principles for Fact-Checkers. Given some of the fact-checks we’ve seen from PolitiFact, that is indeed a scary thought.
Oh, but wait –- they’ve won the Pulitzer. Yes, and so did The New York Times and the Washington Post for their wildly inaccurate coverage of Trump-Russian “collusion” fantasies. I guess if those newspapers can win a Pulitzer for their misreporting and the Academy Award for Best Original Song can go to “It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp,” then this bunch can have a Pulitzer, too.
“Each year, Poynter trains over 100,000 journalists from more than 70 countries in person and virtually every country in the world.” That should keep you up at night. They’re very proud of their reputation, they say. A few of the news organizations that hire Poynter include National Public Radio, NBC News, Newsweek, and the Washington Post.
Click on “Support for Content & Training to Strengthen Media Literacy,” and you’ll find such groups as The Democracy Fund, Facebook (“Helping MediaWise and PolitiFact in the fight against mis- and disinformation to help people sort fact from fiction online”), Google, Microsoft, and TikTok (“Helping PolitiFact continue to fact-check elected officials and hold government officials accountable”).
“Founded in 1975,” their website says, “Poynter is an inspirational place but also a practical one, connecting the varied crafts of journalism to its higher mission and purpose. From person-to-person coaching and intensive hands-on seminars to interactive online courses and media reporting, Poynter helps journalists sharpen skills and elevate storytelling throughout their careers.” They “explore the intersection of journalism, technology and the public interest.”
The reason why we wanted to examine this is that Dan Bongino called attention to a so-called fact-check from Politifact that is really quite shameful, supposedly debunking something President Trump said in a media briefing on August 31, 2020, soon after Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested for killing two and injuring one in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Their verdict: “Trump paints false picture of Kyle Rittenhouse shootings ahead of Kenosha visit.”
Trump had said the video showed Rittenhouse “was trying to get away from them, I guess, it looks like...fell, and then they very violently attacked him.”
Now, if you watched the trial this month, you saw that video over and over, many times. It showed that Rittenhouse was trying to get away from them, fell, and then they very violently attacked him.
Yes, PolitiFact said, Rittenhouse “tripped and fell as a group of people pursued him on the night he allegedly killed two protesters and injured a third.” But, they said, Trump left out “vital context”: that “Rittenhouse ran away after PROSECUTORS SAY [emphasis mine] he had already shot and killed someone.”
“The President correctly describes some minor details about that night,” PolitiFact said. “But, overall, his comments grossly mischaracterize what happened –- leaving out that by the time of the events he described, prosecutors say Rittenhouse had already shot and killed a man.”
PolitiFact also concluded that since Rittenhouse had already been arrested and charged with homicide, Trump was wrong to say the matter was “under investigation.” Note: an incident doesn’t stop being investigated just because charges have been filed.
“Rittenhouse did fall as a crowd followed him, but Trump’s comments leave an incendiary and false picture,” PolitiFact said. “By the time he fell, according to criminal charges, Rittenhouse had already shot and killed one man that night. We rate [Trump’s] claim FALSE.”
Well, because they accepted as true the prosecutor’s version of events, which turned out to be false, we rate PolitiFact’s fact-checking FALSE, and it’s not the first time. How wonderful that the Poynter Institute is training fact-checkers all over the world, with the help of Facebook and TikTok.
Derek Hunter at Townhall has a great opinion piece --- notice we say “opinion” --- about the outrageous media misconduct concerning the Rittenhouse case.
As a palate-cleanser, we’d like to show you a case in which a conservative site got the fact-checking right in debunking a story, even though that story might have fed a more conservative narrative.
A video on Facebook had showed what appeared to be a woman being kicked out of a Wichita Thunder hockey game on November 5 for wearing a “Let’s Go Brandon” T-shirt.
“Check Your Fact” at Conservative Review looked into this and learned that the woman was escorted out of the arena by security after “she was using extremely profane language and gestures toward our staff and those around her,” according to a statement from the team. She was part of a group who were all wearing “Brandon” shirts, and she was the only one who had to leave.
This fact-check was objective, reasonable, non-political, “just the facts.” Maybe contributor Mecca Fowler, who wrote it, should be the one training all those legions of fact-checkers around the world, This example shows that at least somebody knows how to do it right.
Pray for Waukesha
November 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Please join us in praying for the victims and their families in Sunday’s horrific tragedy in the Milwaukee suburb of Waukesha, where someone drove a red SUV at high speed through a police line and plowed into a Christmas parade. At least five people are known dead at this writing, and more than 40 injured, including children. This link from Fox News will have continually updated information:
Police have arrested a “person of interest.” I won’t give his name until it’s more official, but he’s a career criminal and registered sex offender with a history of resisting arrest, obstruction, battery, statutory sexual seduction, strangulation and suffocation, property destruction, illegal firearm possession, drug related charges, domestic violence and bail jumping. Despite that record, he was just released from jail two days ago on three misdemeanor and two felony charges after posting cash bail of just $1,000.
There were a number of disgusting comments from the left on social media, trying to tie the assault to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. It takes an awful lot of “not raised right” to use something like this to try to score cheap political points, but that’s how badly social media has eroded basic human decency. Many of the tweets were deleted after the arrest came, and the truth didn’t appear to be helpful to their cause at all. Sadly, some didn’t even have enough shreds of decency left to realize how awful they were being.
While we pray for the victims, we should also pray for a moral reawakening as well.
Persecution of Nigerian Christians Update
November 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I’ve written before about the perilous situation for Christians in Nigeria, where radical militia groups are targeting them for terrorist violence, displacement, forced conversions and marriages, and other atrocities. This is being done as the government turns a blind eye and silences Christian leaders and journalists who try to expose the truth by cracking down on free speech and jailing them on trumped-up charges.
Yet the Epoch Times reports that the Biden State Department inexplicably removed Nigeria from its list of “countries of particular concern” in advance of Secretary of State Antony Blinken visiting Nigeria to sign a $2.1 billion assistance agreement.
The State Department claims the money will support health care, education, agriculture, and good governance. But local Christians fear it will help prop up the oppressive government and fuel more violence against them.
Click the link to read more and hear from the Rev. Joseph Hayab, the brave chairman of the Kaduna state chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, who, along with four other representatives of Nigerian civil society, met with Blinken privately and warned him, “Our government is full of lies, and to make sure the world does not get the truth of what is happening in Nigeria, they are against free speech.”
Hayab said he’s baffled by Bliken removing Nigeria from the "nations of concern" list and saying things are improving there “because Christians in Nigeria and others suffering persecution feel like they cannot rely on the U.S. government to help them. That is like telling a sick man in the hospital to go home to die.”
Sadly, a lot of people around the world are learning that they can’t rely on this Administration to help them, or even to make sane, humane foreign policy decisions. Maybe they believe that helping to enrich the oppressive Nigerian government will convince them to end religious oppression. How is that working out with China?
Gas and Groceries
November 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
One year ago, we were in the middle of the aftermath of a highly controversial and contested election for President, in which Joe Biden supposedly received 16 million more votes than anyone in history including the immensely popular Barack Obama, despite having rarely campaigned except for tightly scripted occasional appearances from his basement or standing on a platform in a small parking lot somewhere yelling at a dozen or so cars while squinting at a teleprompter.
A year ago, a vaccine for Covid-19 had just been announced as available thanks to Operation Warp Speed initiated by President Donald Trump, which brought at least 3 vaccines to the market place in record time—something his critics and the media scoffed would never happen. In fact, then candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both trashed the vaccines and claimed that because they were developed under Trump, they wouldn’t trust them. My, how times have changed! Now Joe Biden wants to force you to have it even if you’ve had Covid and have natural antibodies that are likely more effective than the vaccine itself. He wants you to be kicked out of the military, lose your private sector job, and be prohibited from traveling or eating in restaurant unless you have your shot and of course, show your papers as proof. And if you fail to comply, NO SOUP FOR YOU!
Our economy was humming one year ago and Americans were returning to work after the deep freeze of a Covid lockdown. Schools were opening in many states for in-person learning.
And as people planned for Thanksgiving, the average cost of a turkey was $12 and the average cost of gas to get to grandma’s house was $2.11 a gallon.
This Thanksgiving, the cost of that same turkey will be about $21 and average price of gas is $3.50 across the country and millions of Americans are losing their jobs because they don’t want to take the Covid shot.
What’s the big change? Democrats, controlled by the far-left progressives who don’t mind and in fact appreciate being called socialists, are in complete control of our government and its policies. Joe Biden has shut down our energy pipelines, created a supply chain nightmare by imposing strict rules on transportation and union demands, and has implemented policies related to Covid that have paid people to not work instead of taking one of the record millions of jobs that are currently unfilled.
And parents across the country who are fed up that their children are being indoctrinated with racist hate about how evil America is have started showing up to the school boards their taxes pay for and which they own and for their exercise of their rights of citizenship have been branded by the Biden Department of Justice as “domestic terrorists.”
Barack Obama famously said “elections have consequences.” He may have been wrong about a lot of things, but he was right about that! But sometimes the consequences are horrific. And if you are unable to see the consequences of putting left-wing socialists in charge in the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives, then you must be a newborn puppy and your eyes are still closed.
All you really need to know about what the left has done to our country is summed up in 2 words: gas and groceries. There are some things that you can hold off buying if inflation drives up the cost, like a new suit, a new car, or a piece of furniture. But no matter how rich or how poor you are, you have to put food on your table. And you have to put gas in your tank to get to work or school and even if you take a city bus, it will cost more to cover those fuel prices.
So if you like what’s happened to your cost of gas and groceries, then keep voting for Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats. But don’t forget to take heed to the words of another Democrat who said, “Elections have consequences.”
Morning Edition - November 23
November 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 23
November 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Grilled by the Senate
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Wednesday, President Biden’s inexplicable nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, faced grilling by Senators. The Republican Senators grilled her so hard, I’m surprised she didn’t come out looking like a charcoal briquette.
They demanded explanations of her long history of radical comments, including her support for killing private banks and having the government take over and run banking and direct all investment spending; and her claim that to advance the left's climate agenda, we need to bankrupt the oil, gas and coal industries. She tried to downplay those as old comments she no longer stands by or didn’t really mean, but Sen. John Kennedy noted that she joined a Marxist Facebook group in 2019 and said he didn’t know whether to call her “Professor or Comrade.”
But the coup de grace came from Sen. Tim Scott, who went through a rundown of her radical writings, then finished with, “I don’t have any questions for you because there’s nothing you can say today to undo what you’ve said for years, including this year.”
That’s quite a choice for a President who ran as a moderate, but then, I seriously doubt that Joe Biden had any more to do with choosing her than Donald Trump does with hiring bellboys at Trump Plaza. Democrats who tried to defend her had nothing but their worn-out race card, so some accused the Republicans who quoted her own outrageous words to her of being racists (I guess that includes Tim Scott, who is African-American.)
On the plus side, if the Senate actually does confirm Omarova, she will make history as the first US Comptroller of the Currency who was ever arrested for allegedly stealing $218 worth of stuff from T.J. Maxx.
As noted at the link, in case you think that escapade, like her flirtation with Marxism, was just a weak moment from her immature youth, she was 28 at the time. But then, feeling that you have a right to take other people's stuff is something that Marxists and shoplifters have in common.
Build Back Bankruptcy Passes The House
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
As of this writing on Friday morning, the House just passed the massive $1.75 trillion “Build Back Bankruptcy” bill, 220-213.
I’ll spare you all the usual balloon juice from Nancy Pelosi about the wondrous, historic things it will do for Americans once the people who voted for it find out what’s actually in it, because now it goes back to the Senate where the real fight recommences. The Dems have tortured the term “reconciliation bill” to try to turn a massive piece of transformative leftwing government bloat into a simple budget bill that isn’t subject to a filibuster. The parliamentarian should have shut that garbage down from day one. Now, we have to rely on Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to protect America. If it does pass in some form, it will go back to the House again.
While House Democrats voting to spend trillions we don’t have and greatly expand government power was never really in doubt, there were a couple of interesting side notes to the vote. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy deserves a golden box of Sucrets as an award for his record-setting 8-hour, 32-minute speech, ripping this monstrosity to shreds.
He called it “the single most reckless and irresponsible spending bill in our nation’s history,” one that will worsen inflation, harm the long term economy and introduce a large degree of socialism into America. He also called the Democrats “out of touch” with the needs and wishes of ordinary Americans, adding, "Never in American history has so much been spent at one time. Never in American history will so many taxes be raised and so much borrowing be needed to pay for all this reckless spending."
All of that is true, and of course, the Democrats voted for it anyway. But while you can’t talk sense into some people, you can accomplish what McCarthy did: he talked so long that the Democrats went home, blocking them from passing this in the dead of night, as they usually do with unpopular, radical spending bills, and forcing them to vote on record in the bright light of morning when everyone was watching. That will make it much easier to remember this day when you go into the polling places next November.
Some other interesting gamesmanship came from the report on the cost of the bill from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Democrats loudly touted an early leak claiming the CBO found that the bill would reduce the deficit. But it turned out that was just about the part that raises taxes. When the full CBO report came out and said it would add $367 billion to the federal deficit over the next 10 years, not counting the potential revenues from a sure-to-be-wildly-popular IRS crackdown on taxpayers, the Dems turned on a dime and started dismissing the CBO’s assessment as meaningless.
The CBO was rightly skeptical of claims that all the new taxes and IRS crackdowns in the bill would raise taxes enough to pay for it, or that much of the cost would be offset by eliminating waste and fraud. Rich people can always find ways to avoid high taxes, and those are usually ways that involve pulling income out of productive, job-creating investments which depresses economic growth so that tax revenues fall across the board.
As for “eliminating waste and fraud,” that’s hilarious! How many times have politicians dangled that one in front of us over the years, like Lucy fooling Charlie Brown into trying to kick that football one more time (he should’ve kicked Lucy instead, the way we should kick politicians out of office who promise to eliminate waste and fraud and then go to DC and vote for more of it.)
Is there anyone dumb enough to believe that Democrats will pay for trillions in new spending by “eliminating waste and fraud”? I hear that these days, when you join the Democratic Party, you get a membership card, an autographed picture of AOC and a T-Shirt that says “I (Heart) Waste and Fraud.”
Defamation Watch
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Many legal analysts are saying that Kyle Rittenhouse, like Nick Sandmann and Richard Jewell, has a strong case for suing a number of media outlets and public figures, including President Biden, for defamation.
Here’s a list of just a few of those who put their mouths in gear before engaging their brains and potentially placed themselves in legal jeopardy. And yes, it includes the “fact-checking” site, Politifact, which knew that Rittenhouse running from people who were trying to attack him must be “False” because Donald Trump said it:
Here’s a serious article on the subject of Rittenhouse’s lawsuit odds:
And here’s a satirical one that I can’t resist sharing because I just love the idea.
The Rittenhouse Reaction
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Since the not guilty verdict for Kyle Rittenhouse was announced, it’s been both instructive and disheartening to see how many political leaders and media figures have proven violently hostile to the rule of law and the rights of due process. They’re the ones whose false reporting and inflammatory language fueled another night of violent protests, riots (in Portland, naturally) and looting. Because nothing says, “I disapprove of the verdict in a trial I didn’t watch in Kenosha, Wisconsin,” like looting a Louis Vuitton store in San Francisco.
Starting at the top: President Biden said he didn’t watch the trial, but “the jury system works and we have to abide by it.” The White House later released a statement reading, “While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken… I urge everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law. Violence and destruction of property have no place in our democracy.”
That’s pretty good, possibly the most presidential statement he’s ever made – except for the part about him feeling angry and concerned, especially since he just admitted he hadn’t watched the trial. It’s reminiscent of his previous false accusation that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist, which helped taint the jury pool. As a chief executive, whether President or Governor, it’s your duty to support the jury system and the rule of law, not try to undermine the public’s faith in it with your own uninformed opinions.
But Biden was practically Abe Lincoln compared to his fellow Democrats. We had Rep. Jerrold Nadler, repeating debunked claims on Twitter and calling for the politicized, weaponized DOJ to subject Rittenhouse to double jeopardy. He thinks a federal civil rights prosecution is in order, since Rittenhouse infringed on the First Amendment protest rights of the people he shot. Note to Nadler: the First Amendment doesn’t give you a right to physically assault someone or point a Glock at his head during a protest. But the Second Amendment gives you the right to use a gun to stop it.
There were also the many Hollywood celebrities and sports stars taking to Twitter to repeat debunked MSNBC talking points and condemn the jury and the verdict. Because how could jurors who’d spent over a week listening to the testimony and examining all the evidence, then days longer deliberating over it, possibly know more about this case than people who heard about it from the media and Twitter?
It’s no surprise that some of the most uninformed, rabble-rousing comments came from America’s worst mayor, worst Governor and worst ex-Governor: Bill DeBlasio, Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo, the Three Stooges of jurisprudence.
As Robert Spencer at PJ Media points out about Cuomo, a man who was forced out of office after trying to cover up thousands of COVID deaths in nursing homes due to policies he imposed while allegedly sexually molesting multiple female staffers has no business calling a legitimate jury verdict a “stain on America.” All of these men, who hold (or held) top leadership positions that require them to defend and protect the Constitution and the rule of law used this occasion to stain themselves by trashing those concepts, to repeat claims that anyone who followed the trial knows were exposed as lies, and to do so knowing full well they were encouraging more mob violence.
How dare they claim this verdict encourages vigilante justice? Rittenhouse was arrested, given a trial in front of a jury of his peers (a jury taken from a pool so tainted by liberal media misinformation that two-thirds of them came to court convinced he was guilty), and yet was still found innocent. So they’re now ginning up mob violence. Who’s promoting vigilante justice again?
While it was obvious before now that none of these men should be in any position of power, this should draw a big red line under it. But perhaps even worse was the condemnation of the verdict (complete with more repeating of media falsehoods) by the ACLU.
This is an organization supposedly created to defend the Constitutional rights of every American, yet they’re siding against Rittenhouse’s now-jury-affirmed right to self-defense and in favor of a prosecution that repeatedly broke the rules in an attempt to railroad him into prison, including hiding evidence from the defense and violating Rittenhouse’s Fifth Amendment rights. And that’s just the tip of the corruption iceberg. Here’s some of what the ACLU is actually defending.
Finally, the comments that tick me off the most are the ones that try to sow more riots and racial division by claiming the jury was protecting “white supremacy” (FYI: everyone involved was white) or that Republicans who sided with Rittenhouse would never have defended the rights of a black teenager in the same position.
Excuse me? I’ve publicly defended the due process rights and presumption of innocence even for Andrew Cuomo, and believe me, that’s not easy! Like most Republicans, I absolutely believe that all law-abiding Americans of all races have fundamental rights to trials by jury, to own legal firearms and to use them responsibly to defend themselves and their families from attackers. That includes violent radicals who were attacking black people and burning down black neighborhoods during the 2020 riots that Democrats approved of. These were the same anarchists Democrat officials refused to prosecute and who were bailed out of jail by donations from the staff of our current Vice President.
I would remind these race-baiters that in an earlier time, other Democrat radicals like the KKK were also burning black neighborhoods, and Democrat public officials also refused to provide protection. Who stood up for black people’s right to defend themselves with firearms? The NRA.
Evening Edition - November 22
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...I Told You So Daily
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
So much of my newsletter is devoted to correcting false “news” that only later is acknowledged as such that I should change its name to the “I Told You So Daily.” Here’s yet another example:
While the liberal media went into a self-righteous frenzy over horse patrol border agents allegedly cracking whips at Haitian illegal immigrants, we told you that there was literally nothing to that story. The agents don’t carry whips. Those were reins, and photos taken from a different angle showed that they were nowhere near the migrants. It was a giant nothingburger, hold the meat.
Of course, those inconvenient facts didn’t stop the media frenzy (they even gave it a scandal name: “Whipgate”), or activists declaring the border agents to be racist monsters and demanding they be fired and jailed, or the Biden DHS calling on the Inspector General’s Office to conduct a “thorough, independent and objective investigation.” We were told this would take about a week.
Well, that was two months ago. So…what happened? Turns out the IG’s office, which apparently cares more about facts than hissy fits by CNN anchors, declined to investigate. We’re now being told that Customs and Borders Protection’s Office of Professional Responsibility will conduct an investigation with no deadline announced for its conclusions.
Let me put this in plain English: a lot of liberals are trying to get down off their high horses and back away, slowly and quietly enough that nobody notices and everyone eventually forgets they ever brought this up.
Morning Edition - November 22
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...14 Stories Edited
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
The Washington Post has added editors' notes to 14 stories dating back over several years to correct its false reporting on the Trump/Russiagate “scandal” that has now been revealed to be a politically-motivated hoax (FYI: we don’t have to do that because we smelled a politically-motivated hoax from day one.)
I would call that “a good start,” but it’s not even that. It’s just a start. A good start would be issuing an abject apology for misleading readers and undermining Trump’s Presidency, then firing all the reporters who fell for that garbage, and returning the bogus (and no doubt also politically-motivated) Pulitzer Prize the paper won for it.
Speaking of that, I’ll link again to this article by Julie Kelly at American Greatness, demanding the same thing.?
And in addition to the corrections, apologies and firings over Russiagate and every other hoax they’ve pushed in recent years, if media outlets ever want to start stitching their shredded reputations back together, they should all immediately cease acting like Biden PR agents and DNC groupies and start behaving like actual reporters again. I know they didn’t learn how in “journalism” school or on the job, but maybe they could watch a few old movies on TCM and learn how.
Not Guilty
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
In breaking news Friday afternoon, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges. No one can say these jurors didn't do their duty and carefully consider all the evidence before rendering a verdict, as it took them four days of deliberation under tremendous psychological pressure. We'll have a roundup of commentary and our own analysis over the weekend. Meanwhile, pray for peace in Kenosha, Wisconsin, tonight.
Prior to the verdict being announced, the two biggest developments had to do, as is typical of this case, not with justice but with media malfeasance and prosecutorial misconduct. First, the judge barred anyone from NBC or MSNBC from the building after a freelancer working for NBC was stopped for running a red light and claimed he was trying to keep up with the sealed juror bus. He said an NBC News booker in New York had assigned him to follow the jury bus, possibly in hopes of booking interviews with jurors whose identities are being shielded for their own protection from mob threats.
NBC released a statement reading, “While the traffic violation took place near the jury van, the freelancer never contacted or intended to contact the jurors during deliberations, and never photographed or intended to photograph them. We regret the incident and will fully cooperate with the authorities on any investigation.”
Fine, but you’ll be doing it from outside the courthouse, where you belong. Considering what a huge role MSNBC has played in promoting indendiary false information about this case from day one, I wouldn’t blame the judge for banning them from Kenosha permanently. I doubt that any locals would complain.
The story involving more possible prosecutorial misconduct relates to a witness identified only as “Jump Kick Man.” He’s a man in white pants seen in a video running up and drop-kicking Rittenhouse as he was running away, which allowed the two men to catch him and attack him, and get shot.
It was reported that a man named Maurice Freeland was “Drop Kick Man,” and that he’d offered to testify for the prosecution. They turned him down, ostensibly because they couldn’t positively identify him, but critics note that it might have hurt their case because Freeland is a convicted felon with a violent criminal record who was on probation. The misconduct charge could arise from the prosecution failing to inform the defense about Freeland, whom they might have wanted to call as a defense witness.
And as long as we’re rightfully bashing the prosecution, they also told the jury that Rittenhouse shouldn’t have used a gun to stop someone who was beating him over the head with a skateboard because “Nobody’s ever died as a result of being hit with a skateboard.” Putting aside the fact that it’s rather hard to ponder that question when you’re being HIT OVER THE HEAD WITH A SKATEBOARD, Todd Starnes did some research. He came up with numerous news stories about people being beaten to death or nearly to death with skateboards.
Finally, as we wait, please read this article by Bari Weiss, who was driven out of the New York Times for daring to stand up for free expression and against the paper’s capitulation to woke Twitter mobs.
It’s her own confession of how she was misled by the media into believing a long list of things about Rittenhouse and this case that the trial has exposed as complete lies. She goes through those lies one by one, and then gives us specific examples of the politicians and media figures who spread them. It’s a great thing to bookmark in case you ever experience a weak moment and start to trust any liberal media outlet again.
Armed FBI in combat gear raid home of "America's Mom"
November 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
On the heels of a new report from DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz saying the “Justice” Department has a problem with public trust and the perception that they are partisan –- surprise! –- the FBI has just taken actions in Mesa County, Colorado, that reinforce that view.
In what is likely the most outrageous and underreported story of the week, the FBI conducted simultaneous early-morning raids Tuesday on at least four people, including Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters –- an outspoken critic of the 2020 election –- and three of her associates. These heavy-handed raids against nonviolent people involved armed agents in combat militia-style gear, the use of handcuffs, and, in at least one case, a battering ram.
One reason for the media’s hesitance to cover this might be that it emerged via the TV channel of “My Pillow Guy” Mike Lindell, who is generally seen in the media as having cooties and absolutely will not be taken seriously no matter how valid a story he breaks. He did interviews with two of the women, Peters and “America’s Mom” Sheronna Bishop. Lindell already knew both of them, as they had participated in his on-air election integrity symposium in August and had reportedly even flown in on his private plane.
The first write-up we saw in print media was at conservative WVW Broadcast Network, which told the story of a raid conducted early Tuesday morning at the home of Bishop, a concerned Christian mom who has become an activist on issues such as Critical Race Theory and forced masking in schools. (She’s homeschooling her kids.) When we first read about this, we suspected the raid on her house probably had something to do with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s dictate that parents who get angry at school board meetings should be dealt with like domestic terrorists. (Garland denied this policy before Congress, but we now know he was not being truthful.)
But the target on her back seems to have more to do with her association with Peters, who is on extremely bad terms with Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. Peters has apparently been under investigation over allegations of leaking election data, and the search warrant authorized confiscation of her phones and cyber devices.
Brannon Howse conducted the TV interview with Peters on Tuesday, with additional guest cybersecurity expert Sean Smith. In the interview, she explains about the four raids carried out that morning on her and “some of her friends,” saying that one of them indeed had involved a battering ram. Apparently that was the raid at Bishop’s house; Bishop has said her front door was broken down.
Peters said at the time of this interview that the affidavit for her search was still sealed and that she didn’t know what the “probable cause” was. Here’s the interview in full.
(SIDE NOTE: At about 38:30 in this video, there’s a phenomenal 6-minute clip of several former FBI agents who are appalled at this new abuse-of-force approach by the FBI against non-violent targets such as Roger Stone. One of them said that if he’d been on a S.W.A.T. team and ordered to do that raid at Stone’s house, he would have refused. That’s the kind of FBI agents we need; too bad so many of them are of the generation that's now retiring from the Bureau.)
Anyway, Peters says that since she started looking into the results of the 2020 election in Mesa County --- she claims that 29,000 election records were illegally deleted --- she's been attacked "on every front" and is facing civil litigation and huge legal bills. She says this raid is obviously an intimidation tactic aimed at the larger community.
In Bishop’s interview with Howse, which debuted Thursday on Lindell TV, she says the agents were likewise armed and in combat gear, that they treated her and her daughters roughly and that she was handcuffed for about 30 minutes. (Peters was not handcuffed.) The agents were in Bishop’s house for about three hours.
Bishop is a former campaign manager for conservative Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert. She describes herself as a “very strong supporter” of Peters.
In the interview, she reads from the search warrant, which authorized them to confiscate her phones and other cyber equipment, alleging that she caused "intentional damage of a protected computer" --- "I have no contact with a computer," she says --- "wire fraud" --- "they couldn't explain to me what that even meant" -- and "conspiracy to cause intentional damage to a protected computer and/or commit wire fraud." It also listed the names of the others who were being searched, including Peters. She says all she has done is exercise her First Amendment freedom to be an advocate for Peters, whom she claims has "hard evidence" about Colorado officials and Dominion Voting Systems, and that they’re trying to make her go away and be quiet. She says officials who are "running Colorado" are criminalizing free speech.
She says she has made herself completely available to officials and that there was no reason other than intimidation for them to treat her and her family this way.
Here’s the link to her TV interview.
We’ve seen a few reports of the raids in mainstream media, but they focus not on the violation of civil liberties –- since when do Trump supporters have civil liberties? –- but on allegations that Mesa County election results were allegedly leaked to some “QAnon conspiracy theorists.”
It’s impossible to sort out all the accusations and counter-accusations going on in Mesa County. We just find it interesting that this angle from THE DAILY BEAST doesn’t address the FBI’s intimidating use of force against non-violent targets. The DB also reflexively calls the hypothesis that the 2020 election was stolen “a baseless idea.” That is wrong; it’s not proven, but it’s certainly not baseless.
Another outlet, TALKING POINTS MEMO, describes Peters as “a Trumpy Colorado county clerk already under investigation” and identifies the QAnon personality as Ron Watkins, “a right-wing influencer that many believe to be behind the posts that spurred the QAnon conspiracy theory,” according to reporter Matt Shuham. The armed raids are characterized by a Mesa County spokesperson as “four federally court-authorized operations into potential criminal activity.” All documents related to these “operations” are apparently still sealed.
We can’t say this investigation is being carried out to take focus off what Peters might have FOUND regarding the voting machine data. But we can’t say it isn’t, either.
That’s the story so far. We’ll leave you with an outstanding companion piece by Victor Davis Hanson called “Can the FBI Be Salvaged?” that lists many familiar examples of the FBI overstepping, lying, leaking, colluding, hushing-up, setting-up, intimidating, witch-hunting, infiltrating, improperly surveilling, abusing, withholding evidence and more.
He should add these armed raids in Mesa County to his list.
Sunday Standard - November 21
November 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - November 20
November 20, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Jen Psaki Drops GIANT BOMB on Unsuspecting Reporters | Live with Mike Clip | Huckabee
November 20, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY! Should he SUE the media now? | Live with Mike Clip | Huckabee
November 20, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Morning Edition - November 19
November 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 19
November 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...How to get in a FIGHT with Chuck Schumer | ICYMI | Huckabee
November 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Morning Edition - November 18
November 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 18
November 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Mike Huckabee
Keep this in mind when you celebrate in NYC this year
November 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Here's a perfect example of a tyrannical leftist politician’s delusions of grandeur: New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio announced that he will magnanimously "allow" people to gather in Times Square for New Year’s Eve, but ONLY if they have “papers” to verify that they are fully vaccinated or have had a negative COVID test in the previous 72 hours.
I want you to think about that. Have you ever seen Times Square on New Year’s Eve? Have you even been in Times Square on any typical weekend night? It’s like a giant sardine can of humanity. On New Year’s Eve, upwards of 100,000 people will be cramming into a few city blocks. How will they check everyone’s “papers”? Well, New York City Police will have to set up “security checkpoints” and make everyone who enters the area show vaccine documents and a photo ID.
Hold on! A PHOTO ID?! This sounds like a racist attempt to suppress minority participation in New Year’s Eve! Also, after all the police budget cuts under DeBlasio, they don’t even have enough cops to keep New Yorkers from robbing and shooting people, but they have enough to stand around on New Year’s Eve, demanding to see 100,000 sets of "papers" to ensure it’s “safe” for people to stand around outdoors?
Oh, well, at least New Yorkers will have a really good reason to celebrate the arrival of the new year. It means that at long, long last, Bill DeBlasio will finally be leaving office.
Lawsuit on PA election law attracting attention
November 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Sometimes former President Trump points us to some really interesting stories that we might otherwise have missed. In an email bulletin Tuesday from his Save America PAC, he linked to an article by former CIA operations officer and security expert Charles “Sam” Faddis at a website called "AND –- Expert Analysis and Commentary." The case Faddis analyzes, filed in the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, deals with the constitutionality of a change in Pennsylvania election law signed by Gov. Tom Wolf on October 31, 2019.
“The results of the suit [Doug McLinko vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of State and Veronica Degraffenreid],” Faddis says, “could have major implications for future elections and potentially for ongoing efforts to challenge the 2020 election results.” The date for a hearing hasn’t been set yet, but “those interested in the question of election integrity will be watching for that news with intense interest.”
Apparently, Degraffenreid is named in the suit because at the time of the election, she was working in the Pennsylvania Department of State as the Special Advisor on Election Modernization. Perhaps she was specifically involved in the push to get mail-in voting passed for 2020, but we have no details on that. She is now acting Secretary of the Commonwealth and oversees elections. She previously served in North Carolina as Director of Election Operations and, going back further, worked for almost ten years in the North Carolina Department of Justice, specializing in “redistricting and election-related litigation.”
As Faddis describes it, this is a very straightforward, narrowly focused case that was brought by someone who clearly has legal standing –- as you will see –- Bradford County Commissioner Doug McLinko, a member of the Bradford County Board of Elections. The plaintiff says that when the Pennsylvania legislature passed “Act 77” in 2019 and went to “no excuse” mail-in voting, they violated the state constitution, which specifies four instances when absentee voting is allowed:
a. “When they are absent from their residence on the election day because of business.”
b. “[When they are] unable to attend in person because of illness or disability.”
c. “[When they are] unable to attend because of the observances of a religious holiday.”
d. “[When they are] unable to vote because of election day duties.”
But go online, and the State of Pennsylvania says this: “Any qualified voter may apply for a mail-in ballot. You may simply request this ballot without a reason.” And according to Act 77, they can.
They do at least require a form of I.D. or the last four digits of the voter’s Social Security number.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court looked at another case and declared an earlier version of “no-excuse” mail-in voting passed by the state legislature in 1923 unconstitutional under Pennsylvania law. So why did the present-day legislature think it was permissible for them to put one in place in 2019? A court may determine that they have...NO EXCUSE.
If that’s the case, it means that to change from in-person to “no-excuse” mail-in voting, they would have had to amend their state constitution. But that’s a process that takes time, and they bypassed that one little inconvenience.
So, moving to the all-important question of “standing” to bring this suit, how is McLinko affected by this law? “As a member of the Board of Elections,” the suit reads, “McLinko must oversee the lawful administration of all aspects of elections, including voter registration, the voting process, and tabulation of votes. He must also certify the results of all primary and general elections in the county to the Secretary of State.” He says that because the move to mail-in voting was done unconstitutionally, he was being required by the state to “act unlawfully.”
One would think that if anyone had standing to challenge the constitutionality of state election law, it would be him.
As Faddis points out, this suit has nothing to do with such allegations as hacked voting machines or ballot stuffing, though we would point out that any expansion of mail-in voting certainly encourages the latter.
Finally, what is the plaintiff asking for? He requests a declaratory judgment saying that Act 77 violates the state constitution and is void –- as in, a legal nullity –- and calls for “any and all other appropriate relief.” Faddis explains to us non-attorneys that by implication, any action taken on the basis of this law would be a nullity as well.
Certainly, the state would have to return to in-person voting. Considering the possible effect this might have on changes to election law made (unconstitutionally) in other states, we’d bet that Marc Elias and his team of lawyers are on it like white on rice. As Faddis writes, “The implications for the November 2020 election remain unclear.”
The “fact”-checkers at POLITIFACT took a look at this issue --- not the specific case brought by McLinko but about what Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley has said about Act 77 --- and rated his claim about the law’s unconstitutionality “mostly false.” They say the state constitution doesn’t specifically ban absentee balloting, but it seems the case is easily be made that in specifying only a few instances when it’s allowed, the constitution implies that it is not allowed across the board.
They do offer some interesting points about the law’s passage. For example, Republicans supported it at the time, at least in part because it included a provision against straight-ticket voting. But we would think the fact that it was a bipartisan bill to begin with should help take the partisanship out of this whole argument. Both Democrats and Republicans in the state legislature passed this law to get certain provisions that they wanted. That does not mean the law is constitutional.
POLITIFACT really is just acting as an advocate for the “nay” side of this argument because, well, they’re POLITIFACT and that’s what they do. But a court, not the partisan advocates at POLITIFACT, will rule on the law’s constitutionality and McLinko’s claim. Sadly, elections are increasingly being won by lawyers, and as we've said, to keep from being bulldozed our lawyers have to be better than their lawyers.
An earlier suit regarding the constitutionality of Act 77 was filed about a year ago by multiple plaintiffs including congressional candidate Sean Parnell, and a Commonwealth judge said it had merit, but the state Supreme Court dismissed it with prejudice, not for lack of merit but for not having been filed “in a timely manner.” Parnell said he’d take the fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.
By the way, if you’d like to know more about Charles “Sam” Faddis, he has quite a resume as a homeland security and terrorism expert and appears on FOX NEWS, FOX BUSINESS NEWS, NEWSMAX and other news outlets. After 20 years with the CIA, he serves as senior partner and executive consultant at Artemis LLC, whose experts have “decades of experience in the Intelligence Community, Special Forces and Military Communities and the Private Sector.”
His books include “WILLFUL NEGLECT: The Dangerous Illusion of Homeland Security” and the very timely “BEYOND REPAIR: The Decline and Fall of the CIA.”
Pacific Northwest: No trend towards extreme weather in the data
November 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Recently, a story from last June out of British Columbia, Canada, made international news. It was revealed that a hospital doctor who’d been treating people made sick by an extreme heat wave became the first to diagnose “climate change” as the cause of a patient’s illness. He was having an asthma attack aggravated by smoke from a wildfire, which the doctor blamed on increasing heat waves caused by climate change. It gave eco-activists more fuel to pour on the fire (sorry!) of their cause.
But in all the media ballyhoo over the “climate change is now officially a pandemic!” narrative, did anyone bother to ask, “Was that diagnosis accurate, or just propaganda disguised as quackery?” Well, someone finally did.
Meteorologist Anthony Watts of the climate change site, dug into the science. Since the diagnosis rested on the assumptions that wildfires are much worse now due to more frequent heat waves and higher temperatures caused by global warming, he examined both of those claims.
In a study called “Was Global Warming The Cause of the Great Northwest Heatwave? Science Says No,” University of Washington meteorology expert Dr. Cliff Mass wrote that “If global warming was producing extreme heat waves in our region, such as the event last week, there would be a long-term trend towards more extreme high temperatures.” But the records show that there had been “NO INCREASING TREND for more record high temperatures over our region during the past century.”
But what about all the worsening wildfires? We hear a lot about those in California, where state officials insist they’re caused by global warming and not incompetent forest management by leftwing state officials. Watts checked NASA satellite data, which shows a long-term decline in wildfires worldwide, with a 25% decrease of burned land area since 2003.
So if there is no increase in heat waves or wildfires, maybe the patient’s asthma attack wasn’t caused by a climate change apocalypse but by the fact that he has asthma and breathed in smoke from a forest fire, which have been happening in the Pacific Northwest since the dawn of time. It didn’t really require Dr. House to diagnose that.
Dr. Mass noted in his report, “A single event does not reflect climate, only a trend or changes in long-term average do.” I shouldn’t have to tell climate activists this, since it’s what they yell at us every time we make a joke about a global warming conference being canceled due to a blizzard (which happens more often than you’d think.) I suspect that’s really why they started calling it “climate change” instead of “global warming.”
Morning Edition - November 17
November 17, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 17
November 17, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Update
November 17, 2021
Mike Huckabee
As of Wednesday morning, the jury has yet to reach a verdict, and it might not have to, under two possible scenarios:
Jack Posobiec of Human Events tweeted that an unnamed US Marshal told him two jurors are holding up the verdict out of fear of threats by radicals against themselves and their families. If that’s true, the judge might have to dismiss them, and since alternate jurors have already been dismissed, declare a mistrial. But Jennifer Van Laar at explains why she’s skeptical of this story:
The other scenario: Rittenhouse’s attorneys filed a new, late request for the judge to declare a mistrial with prejudice, meaning no retrial. They already requested a mistrial based on the prosecution improperly infringing on Rittenhouse’s right to remain silent and introducing evidence that had been ruled inadmissible. The new filing adds an accusation that the prosecutors withheld evidence from the defense by turning over a compressed copy of the FBI surveillance video and not revealing that they had a clearer, higher resolution version until after that part of the trial was over.
Meanwhile, both pro- and anti-Rittenhouse protesters are gathered outside the Courthouse, and the city is bracing for potential street violence. Some anti-Rittenhouse protesters are claiming that an acquittal means that white supremacists will be free to kill black people, which seems like an odd conclusion to draw from one white guy shooting three other white guys in self-defense. But when you get your news from CNN and MSNBC, clear thinking is not your strong suit.
I already told you how the “fact-checking” site Politifact got Wisconsin law wrong in declaring it "false" that Rittenhouse had a legal right to carry a gun. After being called on it by conservative media sources and having the judge throw out an illegal weapons possession charge, the site acknowledged that the law is "unclear." And then they stood by their original ruling of "false" and refused to retract it. Maybe their next “fact-check” could be a deep dive into what the word “unclear” means.
Bad News: Behind the scenes, the Biden Administration is busy
November 17, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Fox News has obtained an internal draft memo from the Department of Health and Human Services showing that HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra is planning to roll back Trump-era protections of religious liberty rights. That includes revoking the authority of the Office of Civil Rights to prevent violations of religious liberty.
The memo, supposedly from OCR to Becerra, expresses concerns that Trump might have expanded OCR’s authority too much. And I truly believe that a government agency would complain about being given too much power.
During his confirmation hearings, Becerra swore to Congress that he would protect religious liberty. But his predecessor as HHS Secretary, Roger Severino, said, "HHS centralized authority over religious freedom claims because the laws weren’t being enforced and because that’s how we enforce every other civil right. Without dedicated staff responsible for investigating religious freedom complaints, HHS will return to trampling people’s rights as before — just ask the Little Sisters of the Poor…Because Becerra was twice found to have violated conscience protection laws by OCR, he has no business deciding its religious freedom authorities given his massive conflict of interest. Becerra told Congress that he values religious freedom and that nothing will change with OCR concerning enforcement. His actions since then prove that he lied, and this move would put an exclamation point on his anti-religious hostility."
The big question remains: why would anyone who voted to confirm Becerra believe that a man who, as California Attorney General, tried to railroad undercover journalists into prison on 15 felony charges just for exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood, give a flip about protecting anyone’s civil rights?
The House Judiciary Committee released an email Tuesday provided by an FBI whistleblower, showing that the agency’s Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions are pressing forward with keeping tabs on parents who speak up against school boards and other officials. They’ve even created the threat tag EDUOFFICIALS to track instances of such “threats.”
The email acknowledges that this tracking of angry parents as domestic terrorist threats is in response to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s outrageous letter calling for such a thing – a letter written in response to a letter from the National School Boards Association that we now know was created in coordination with Biden Administration officials. Megan Fox at PJ Media examined the alleged threats cited in it and found that none were legitimate, and the NSBA apologized for the letter.
So far, 11 states have withdrawn from the NSBA and 26 have distanced themselves from it. Yet despite all that, plus Garland's denial to Congress that concerned parents will be monitored as domestic terrorists, this email confirms that that’s precisely what the FBI is doing.
Inescapable conclusions: Merrick Garland is a politicized hack and a bald-faced liar (possibly perjurer); and Americans need to elect politicians who will not only remove him from office, but clean out the FBI and DOJ like the snake pits we’ve discovered them to be.
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was in the Senate Tuesday, where Republican Sen. Mike Lee grilled him like a cheap steak over why the Biden Administration is forcing a vaccine mandate on law-abiding citizens that threatens to sideline an untold number of Border Patrol agents while not enforcing any vaccine mandate on the thousands of illegal immigrants who are streaming across the border.
Related: Speaking of all the things this Administration is doing to Build Back Illegal Immigration Better, someone just noticed that hidden away on page 1,647 (!) of Biden’s $1.75 trillion “Build Back Better” spending plan is a line to eliminate the need for a Social Security number to apply for child tax credits. A researcher for the Center for Immigration Studies told Fox News that that could result in the government giving an extra $2.3 billion in payouts to illegal immigrants.
The changing story of COVID-19
November 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Ever since COVID-19 helped us ring in the New Year of 2020, the approved narrative was that it had come from a wet market in Wuhan, China, though social media didn’t allow mention of Wuhan or China.
But in recent months we’ve learned plenty about Chinese gain-of-function research into dangerous bat viruses, commissioned and funded by none other than the National Institutes of Health, and we know it’s very likely the source of the pandemic. Steve Hilton, on his FOX NEWS show “The Next Revolution,” reported Sunday night that even the LOS ANGELES TIMES had to report that “...there is no clear sign of an intermediate host. Of the 80,000 animal samples tested in China, none have contained the virus’ genetic material or antibodies to it.”
As recently as August of this year, the LA TIMES was still pushing the “wet market” idea. Business columnist (not doctor) Michael Hiltzik actually said the “lab leak” explanation was driven by politics, not science.
As a side note, “fact”-checkers also tried to discredit the story about beagles being used in cruel experiments funded under Dr. Fauci’s leadership at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but we found this was happening.
Now, Hilton points to a new story offering more specifics about surreptitious bat studies at the Wuhan lab. In September, 900 pages of documentation from this research was released in response to a FOIA request a year ago by THE INTERCEPT, leading Rutgers University professor Dr. Richard Ebright to say,“The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.”
“POTENTIAL PANDEMIC PATHOGEN ENHANCEMENT”? Think about what that is, and one can only conclude that it is evil.
Gary Ruskin, executive director of U.S. Right to Know, said, “This is a road map to the high-risk research that could have led to the current pandemic."
If the NIH commissioned gain-of-function research, it did so, Hilton said, “in direct contravention of the rules that were in place in both the Obama and Trump administrations. Hilton has been calling for months for a real investigation of this funding, as the one way to perhaps show Fauci accountable.
In the Senate, a bipartisan group consisting of Republicans Roger Marshall of Kansas and Joni Ernst of Iowa, and Democrats Dianne Feinstein of California and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, introduced legislation establishing a “9/11-style” Covid Origins Commission to determine how the pandemic really started. Sen. Marshall told Hilton that it was important to make this investigation bipartisan, without politics involved.
He’s hoping this can be an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act before it comes up for a vote “in three or four weeks.” This is the act that funds the military; in its 60-year history, it’s always been passed.
Marshall told Hilton that he thought it was “a matter of months if not weeks” to get the commission in place. They would have to come up with ten names –- five from Republicans, five from Democrats, all “experts in their specific areas,” he said, but not driven by politics.
There’s a great deal of information that would need to be declassified, Marshall said, and these commissioners would also have the power to subpoena people such as Peter Daszak and others from EcoHealth Alliance and get them in front a grand jury. He thinks that if we start looking at all the DNA sequences having to do with this virus, “we’ll find the grandfather of COVID-19 somewhere buried in Eco Health lab system.”
Something else that needs to be looked at critically in the age of COVID: the push for draconian lockdowns that force us all to comply with our political leaders regarding the most personal decisions we make. Those who for decades have been saying we have the right to do what we want with our own body (even if it happens to be our own body and another very small person's, too) are quick to say we must follow orders to have new, practically untested substances injected into our bodies.
To question this is not to be an “anti-vaxxer,” no matter who decides to rewrite the dictionary. It’s to be anti-mandate, which is altogether different.
Now that well over a hundred million people have been exposed to COVID-19 and have presumably obtained some immunity to it --- most likely even stronger than that possessed by a vaccinated person who hasn't been exposed --- one has to wonder why we’re still talking about all the restrictions. Is the idea really to get us used to taking orders “for the public good”? Christopher Bedford at THE FEDERALIST has an interview with FOX NEWS climate expert Mike Bastach. You may ask, what do COVID restrictions have to do with climate? Turns out, quite a bit.
As we reported in our commentary on the National Audubon Society and their apparent dismissal of the effect wind turbines have on birds, China has said it will work with the U.S. on cutting carbon emissions. (We said we’d believe it when we see it.) This was the Glasgow Climate Conference, in which (Bedford’s words) “a few thousand clueless, feckless old men flying from all over the planet to babble on about saving the world and maybe even catch a quick nap during the most boring of the mostly boring speeches.”
Now that we’re back to boring meetings that don’t really accomplish much, it might seem as if we’re returning to normal, but we’re not. The way Bedford explains it, our society is at a crossroads: we can continue to pursue individualism, or we can turn to “a more involved government that tries to actively reorder society toward the ‘higher good.’”
And here’s where COVID comes in. British writer/editor Mary Harrington said, “The pandemic state of emergency [shattered] the consensus about individual freedom. Across the developed world, the liberal privileging of individual freedom has been replaced by a de facto acceptance that state power absolutely must be ordered to the common good, up to and including coercive measures when necessary.”
Bedford goes to describe even how this way of thinking is transforming the language, and not in a good way.
He says, “In all societies, there are people who feel entitled to build their own moral universes and compel us to obey their manmade constructs. It’s for the collective good, they say, although suspiciously often 'the collective good' seems to align with giving them the most money and power, status and freedom...”
“COVID was the best thing ever to happen to these people,” he says, and he’s right.
And with COVID fading away, they’ll turn on a dime and make “climate” the new emergency. Consider that if they can essentially trap you in your home and limit your travel to purportedly contain the spread of COVID, they can do the same thing to purportedly keep the temperature from rising. Same for spreading so-called “misinformation” (which very often turns out to be the truth).
We know China won’t keep their promise on fossil fuels. But don’t assume we'll hold China accountable for their toxic emissions. That won’t happen, any more than we’ll hold them accountable for their toxic virus.
This Policy is a SLAP to the FACE | Huckabee
November 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Morning Edition - November 16
November 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 16
November 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Another Rittenhouse Trial Update
November 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Monday, both sides gave their closing arguments to the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. And if the prosecutors weren’t deliberately trying to force a mistrial so they could get a do-over, then there hasn’t been such pure incompetence on display since the Three Stooges tried being plumbers.
Where to begin? Victoria Taft at PJ Media summarized the state’s summation, noting that D.A. Thomas Binger told the jury that “I’m scared” is not a legal justification for self-defense. Actually, it is the exact legal justification for self-defense. He also suggested that Rittenhouse should have fired warning shots. Which, despite Joe Biden’s advice, is clearly illegal.
The very first slide shown to the jurors claimed that Rittenhouse shot three people with a gun he knew he couldn’t legally have. That’s false; it was perfectly legal for him to carry that gun under Wisconsin law, which you’d assume the prosecutors would be vaguely familiar with. Unfortunately for them, the judge knew the law and dismissed the underage weapons charge.
Binger told the jury that the BLM rioters that night were “heroes” who stopped an “active shooter.” They were actually starting fires, assaulting police, and they even attacked the very courthouse where the trial was taking place.
In the most eye-popping display of incompetence, at one point, the prosecutor picked up the rifle and pointed it directly at the jurors with his finger on the trigger. That should be grounds for charging the prosecutor with criminal stupidity. That violates the first rule of gun safety. It doesn’t matter if you “know for certain” that it’s unloaded. You never point a gun at another person (unless, of course, that person is trying to kill you.) Has he never heard the name “Alec Baldwin?”
Believe it or not, it got even crazier during the rebuttal to the defense’s summation.
But the utter disregard for facts and accuracy wasn’t restricted to the prosecutors. From the start of this story, the mainstream media have pushed a phony racial narrative that’s made many people believe this was a racist triple murder by a white supremacist. One black Democrat in the Oregon state house even called for giving all black workers the day off to process their trauma if Rittenhouse is acquitted, even though he's not a white supremacist and he claims he fired in self-defense at three attackers, all of them white males. By fanning the racial flames, the media are complicit in setting the stage for more riots if Rittenhouse is acquitted (or knowing leftists, even if he’s not.)
This is why Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says that Rittenhouse should not only be acquitted, he should sue CNN, the New York Times and other liberal media outlets for encouraging vigilantism by continually pushing the false narrative that he’s guilty.
He’s not the only one they've put in danger, of course: the judge has received many threats against himself and his family, and Kenosha is bracing for possible riots and street violence.
But wait: don’t we now have a battalion of self-appointed “fact-checkers” to expose such “misinformation”? Well, sort of. As Kylee Zempel at the Federalist reports, sites such as Politifact were bending over backwards to find ways to declare false narratives about the case true and true claims false. The major reason we know this is that the conservative media they usually target risked life and limb to shoot video of the riots.
Zempel says this phony “fact-checking” might mislead and inflame the public, but it serves the greater goal of promoting the leftwing narrative that “guns are bad, and law-abiding citizens are wrong to have firearms to protect themselves from lawless rogues,” which is the prosecution’s entire case.
Tucker Carlson argued that by claiming that “you lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one who brought the gun,” the prosecutors are trying to nullify the right to bear arms. They’re saying that if you carry a legal weapon, you give up the right to use it to protect yourself.
Carlson told viewers, “That’s the whole point of this whole proceeding: so the next time BLM sweeps into your town, your neighborhood, your house, to burn and loot and brandish weapons, you had better not try to protect yourself or your family…We will charge you with murder, and while we’re at it, we’ll have the national media call you racist.”
For those who think he’s being hyperbolic and this is a totally unique case, guess who showed up at the courthouse to support Rittenhouse? Kyle and Patricia McCloskey.
Evening Edition - November 15
November 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Anticipating more indictments in the Trump-Russia Hoax
November 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
So, after three indictments and counting, will there be big-time accountability as a result of John Durham’s investigation of the Russia Hoax? It depends on who’s talking.
The NEW YORK POST ran a superb, richly detailed editorial last week that starts by condemning most of the media for their lack of coverage now that the special counsel is finally speaking. Of course, it comes as no surprise that most media are ignoring the story coming out of his grand jury. The POST reveals the whole sordid story of how the media covered the “dossier” that was peddled to them by Christopher Steele and others. For when you have time, this is recommended reading, and also good to pass along to those you know who are just now becoming aware of what we’ve all known for years.
The media eagerly pushed a bogus “dossier,” but they avoided revealing the connections between it and Hillary’s campaign or doing anything on their own to try to discredit it, as real journalists would be bound to do. Instead, they lapped it up like a cat with a bowl of cream. For that, THE NEW YORK TIMES and the WASHINGTON POST won the Pulitzer Prize. There might not be jail cells for these “journalists,” but they should at least have to give the Pulitzer back!
Or make them give it to the NY POST. Here, the POST has clearly outlined the relationships among major players Christopher Steele, Igor Danchenko and Charles Dolan. Be glad that a few major news outlets such as the POST are not only reporting what we think of as “old news,” but are doing so in a clear, methodical way that makes the complex simple. We know that one strategy the left uses for cover is to make sure its scandals are too complicated or “inside” for most people to follow. They also delay, delay, delay so that stories BECOME “old news,” and then they say, “Hey, it’s time to move on!” Um, we’ve not moving on from this.
So, the NY POST has indicted the media, not literally in a court of law but as a matter of public shaming. What about actual indictments, the kind that can lead to convictions and jail sentences? I hesitate even to link to the latest commentary by Andrew C. McCarthy, as I think he might have just been in a pessimistic frame of mind last week and will put you in one, too. The theme for his piece might be that “abuse of power is not criminal.” To that we say that, yes, sometimes it isn’t, but sometimes it sure is.
It’s true that what Durham knows and what he can prove in court are two different things. But at this point, Durham doesn’t really have to prove every last word in the "dossier" is false; we’ve already seen enough evidence about this for any reasonable person to conclude it was made up. As for who is responsible at the top for directing this outrageous scheme, we still don’t know everything Durham has. He sure seems to be zeroing in on the Clinton people. So even though McCarthy literally wrote the book on the Russia Hoax (BALL OF COLLUSION; highly recommended), we think he might be trying to forecast too far ahead. There’s more material yet to be declassified, and it might go a long way towards satisfying McCarthy.
In fact, last week, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Maria Bartiromo there were over 1,000 documents from the Durham investigation that haven’t yet been declassified, and some of the intelligence relates directly to criminal activity that could be the basis for “further indictments.” He reminded us that a grand jury is saying that what happened with the Steele “dossier” is criminal in nature, and he anticipates that various people involved in exploiting it will be in legal jeopardy.
Kash Patel, lead investigator for former House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, spoke with Maria this Sunday and specifically implicated Fiona Hill as one who could face criminal charges for lying to Congress in October of 2019 when she said, “I have no knowledge whatsoever of how he developed that dossier. None. I just want to state that.” Heck, she counts herself among Christopher Steele’s close friends and introduced him to Igor Danchenko. She also introduced Danchenko to big-time Clinton ally and Trump-Russia fabulist Charles Dolan, who provided fake stories for the “dossier.”
Fiona Hill serves as the connection between the Steele operation and the Democrat Party, Patel said. “John Durham’s on that case,” he said; “I think we’re gonna get there.”
Patel broke down three areas of criminality that Durham has been looking at, describing them as three points of a triangle and represented by the three criminal indictments that have been handed down so far. Michael Sussmann, at the top of this triangle, represents the indictment of the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS, “funneling tens of millions of dollars to perpetuate the biggest fraud in the history of the FBI.” FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith represents one of the bottom two points, representing the FBI’s role in lying to a federal court by doctoring a document about Carter Page to get a warrant under false pretenses. The other point is the indictment of Danchenko, whose own words discredit the phony “dossier.”
“He’s got a long way to go,” Patel says of Durham. But he’s glad to see that Durham is finally getting information from the FBI that had been intentionally withheld from the House Intel Committee.
Former FBI deputy director Andy McCabe appears to have played a central role. “All roads lead to Andy McCabe,” Patel said. Recall that McCabe was caught in three lies by Inspector General Horowitz during the internal investigation and seemed to have skated, but we’ll see. Patel insisted that a mid-level official such as Clinesmith couldn’t have pulled off “the greatest political scandal in history” by himself. It would have been “virtually impossible.” He was directed by his supervisors, and this would not have happened without the deputy director of the FBI knowing about it, and almost certainly colleagues Peter Strzok and Lisa Page as well.
Bartiromo pointed out that “those who abused power are now in power,” notably Jake Sullivan, who was Hillary’s foreign policy adviser and is now President Biden’s national security adviser. Recall that Sullivan is the operative who broke the fake Alfa Bank story, which Hillary herself retweeted and falsely described as a discovery by computer scientists, when it was actually phonied-up by some helpful university techies. And now there he is in the catbird seat –- inside the White House.
Patel sees that “what the American public so desperately need” is accountability. “And I think that’s where this road is going, and [where] John Durham’s taking us,” he said. “So stay tuned; I think we’re only 60 to 70 percent of the way there.”
Former Georgia congressman Doug Collins is quite optimistic as well. He’s got a new book coming out on the whole scandal, called THE CLOCK AND THE CALENDAR, which comes out this week. We’ll add it to our stack.
Team Biden: More Spending Please
November 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
With inflation at the highest level in 30 years and no end in sight, thank goodness President Biden’s top economic advisor knows how to fix it: more government spending.
Brian Deese, the director of the National Economic Council, says that to boost the economy, create jobs and bring down inflation, Congress must pass Biden’s $1.75 trillion spending package. Because nothing brings down inflation like the government printing more money and flooding the economy with it.
Sen. Ted Cruz had the most succinct response on Twitter:
“You’re drowning…MORE water!”
Fortunately, even if the House manages to drag that overstuffed pig of a bill past the debt limit and over the finish line, it still has to go back to the Senate.
Republicans are solidly opposed, and Sen. Joe Manchin said, "By all accounts, the threat posed by record inflation to the American people is not ‘transitory’ and is instead getting worse. From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and D.C. can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans feel every day."
Sounds as if he’s not convinced that the key to bringing down inflation is to borrow and spend another two trillion dollars.
By the way, did I mention that Brian Deese also served as a senior adviser on the economy to Barack Obama? I’m sure you’ll recall the booming economy and supercharged job creation under Obama.
Morning Edition - November 15
November 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Natural Immunity Numbers
November 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Aside from dismissing it, the CDC has had very little to say about natural immunity gained from having already been infected with COVID-19. But last week, a Freedom of Information Act request revealed that they had no records of any recovered person infecting another person. Not to say that it can’t happen; they apparently just haven’t been bothering to compile any data on what is one of the most important public health questions in America.
Now, as Kyle Becker of Becker News reports, after declining for five months to update its figures for how many recovered Americans there are, “The CDC quietly acknowledged that a staggering 146.6 million people have been infected by the Sars-CoV-2 virus and have survived it.” That’s far more than earlier reported. Even that could be an underestimate: counting likely unreported cases, it could be as high as 187.6 million. If infection conveys immunity, you’d think that would be something our national health agency would want to know about.
Also, 124 million of those recovered people had “symptomatic illnesses,” but only one in four sought medical treatment. (That would include my two staff writers, who took only aspirin and vitamins.) There were 7.5 million hospitalizations, but that could be greatly inflated by counting routine hospital treatments that happened to include a positive COVID test.
The 921,000 “estimated total deaths” include “COVID-related deaths,” not necessary deaths caused by COVID. 94% of these deaths had serious underlying medical conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and the average age of a COVID-related death victim in 2020 was 77.
There are many more numbers at the link, but few of them bolster the government’s case for ignoring natural immunity or imposing draconian lockdowns or vaccine mandates, especially on children. It also has information on a longterm study of natural immunity that Johns Hopkins researcher Dr. Marty Makarey and his team are launching. He said it’s a study that the CDC and NIH should be doing “instead of torturing thousands of beagle puppies.”
It will be interesting to see if social media sites ban this story, considering all the numbers and charts in it are taken directly from the CDC’s own website.
Sunday Standard - November 14
November 14, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Saturday Edition - November 13
November 13, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Latest update on Kyle Rittenhouse trial
November 12, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I told you about the man who claimed that activists were secretly photographing the jurors to intimidate them to vote guilty or face retaliation. It’s not clear whether that was true or these stories are related, but the judge announced that someone had been caught secretly recording the jury. The video was deleted.
Rittenhouse did something most lawyers advise against and took the stand in his own defense. That can get you into big trouble if you’re facing a sharp, competent prosecutor. Luckily for him, that’s hardly the case here. This prosecutor actually thought he’d hit on a “Perry Mason” moment by asking Rittenhouse why he was running toward a fire with a fire extinguisher in his hand.
The judge blasted the prosecutor for making a “grave constitutional violation” by mentioning Rittenhouse giving up his right to remain silent in front of the jury.
Afterward, the prosecution rested its case, and the judge dropped one minor charge of breaking curfew.
Even some liberal commentators are admitting that their certainty that this wasn’t self-defense has been shaken. You can tell the trial is going badly for the prosecution because liberal media outlets are resorting to attacking the judge and calling him a white supremacist (he was appointed by a Democrat) so that if Rittenhouse is acquitted, they can blame it on him being coddled by a racist judge and not on the evidence and testimony.
Sadly, a lot of people who actually rely on these people for accurate news (which is like relying on Ben & Jerry for diet tips) may be misinformed enough to riot over the alleged “racist verdict” in a trial that was decided on the evidence and had nothing to do with race (Rittenhouse and all three people shot are white.) And while that might be terrible for America, the cities where it happens, and the people and businesses that will suffer, it will give more video footage to the irresponsible, biased media outlets that lit the fuse that set off the bomb. Is it any wonder polls show Americans trust the media less than almost anyone other than Congress?
Morning Edition - November 12
November 12, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Raid on Project Veritas "is a scandal of epic proportions"
November 12, 2021
Mike Huckabee
When the story broke about Project Veritas employees and founder James O’Keefe being raided by the FBI Saturday morning in a purported search for Ashley Biden’s diary, our first question was, “Did they take the electronics?”
Sure enough, the diary search seems to have been a pretext, at least in part, to take the electronics.
The FBI found privileged communications between Project Veritas and their attorney from several years ago, with PV asking for legal opinions regarding their journalistic activities. It seems the Bureau leaked these to THE NEW YORK TIMES, which apparently is illegal –- yes, even when the FBI does it, but since when have they cared? –- and the NYT reported on it, which as far as we know also is illegal.
Oh, and it gets shadier. The NYT happens to be in litigation with Project Veritas or a story they did in 2020 about a PV video alleging voter fraud in Minnesota. Wonder if they saw any attorney-client communications about that?
Adam Goldman and Mark Mazzetti wrote a piece for Thursday’s NYT called “Project Veritas and the Line Between Journalism and Political Spying,” which they say shows “how the conservative group worked with lawyers to gauge how far its deceptive reporting practices could go before running afoul of federal laws.”
So, let me get this straight. Reporters discuss with their attorneys on how to get information for their stories without breaking the law. Stop the presses!!
Ironically, the one who might have run afoul of the law is THE NEW YORK TIMES, as it has written about communications covered by attorney-client privilege. The materials are a series of memos written several years ago by Project Veritas attorney Benjamin Barr about how to do things such as mask identity and infiltrate groups without breaking federal law. This is actually the style of undercover reporting that investigative journalists used to do all the time; you know this if you watched 60 MINUTES and other prime time news shows in their long-ago heyday.
“The documents give new insight into the workings of the group,” the NYT story says, “at a time when it faces potential legal peril in the diary investigation –- and has signaled that its defense will rely in part on casting itself as a journalistic organization protected by the First Amendment.”
Note to the NYT: Project Veritas is a journalistic organization protected by the First Amendment.
And being a journalistic organization, they chose not to do a story on Ashley Biden’s diary because they couldn’t confirm it was hers. NATIONAL FILE published 112 pages of it, in October 2020, but Project Veritas left it alone.
“Most news organizations consult regularly with lawyers,” the NYT story says, “but some of Project Veritas’ questions for its legal team demonstrate an interest in using tactics that test the boundaries of legality and are outside of mainstream reporting techniques.”
So, whatever they thought they might need to do to get a story, they were running by their attorneys first to make sure it was LEGAL and didn’t interfere with national security. Hey, NYT (and FBI), there is nothing wrong with “demonstrating an interest.” And according to James O’Keefe and his lawyer Paul Calli, who appeared in an interview with Sean Hannity, they DID nothing wrong. This would imply denial of one of the allegations in the search warrant, transporting stolen goods [the diary] across state lines.
“Mr. O’Keefe likes to describe himself as a crusading journalist exposing wrongdoing, targeting liberal groups and Democrat politicians,” says the NYT.
Note to the NYT: That’s exactly what O'Keefe is. And thank God for that, as the mainstream media aren’t interested in doing the job. They show a remarkable lack of curiosity, especially when it comes to wrongdoings within their own party.
In their story, Goldman and Mazzetti admit that they passed along some of these Project Veritas memos to Bill Grueskin, a professor at the Columbia School of Journalism, formerly with the WALL STREET JOURNAL and BLOOMBERG NEWS. He said that these memos provided “pretty good advice” but that “the undercover nature of Project Veritas’ work was more problematic.”
Did this expert think it might be “problematic” that he was reading privileged attorney-client legal advice?
“Every newsroom I’ve ever worked in has basically said undercover journalism was unacceptable,” Grueskin said. On the contrary, we used to see a lot of this type of sting, with shaky undercover cameras inside purses and such. That was long before cameras were virtually everywhere, as they are now. Why do I get the feeling that the real objection to Project Veritas is not their tactics but their targets?
Project Veritas issued a statement saying it “stands behind these legal memos and is proud of the exhaustive work it does to ensure each of its journalism investigations complies with all applicable laws” and that their work “reflects Project Veritas’ dedication to the First Amendment, which protects the right to gather information, including about those in power.”
James O’Keefe got himself an outstanding attorney, Harmeet Dhillon, and she appeared on Tucker Carlson’s FOX NEWS show Thursday evening with a shocking story about how the FBI conducted their raid. She said they showed up at his door with “a battering ram,” “threw him out into the hallway,” put him “in handcuffs” and “took his phones.”
She said he had a lot of privileged information on his phones, including communication with “by my count, four dozen different lawyers over the years.” She can’t say with certainty how these NYT reporters got the information, but “can say that they got it in a way that is illegal and unethical.
She described this as a situation in which either the U.S. Attorney’s office or the FBI was tipping off the NYT to each of the raids on Project Veritas’ current and former employees. “We know that because minutes after these raids occurred, we got calls from THE NEW YORK TIMES,” she said. She described the story they ran as “a hit piece.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything this low from THE NEW YORK TIMES before, to publish people’s private legal communications,” she said. She then said what we'd concluded independently: “All it proves is that Project Veritas is an honest and thoughtful journalistic organization that sought legal advice” before running with their stories. We would add that perhaps THE NEW YORK TIMES could do a better job of that.
Finally, the FBI may have found a treasure trove of private stuff on those phones besides the attorney-client material. Dhillon said there was confidential source information, “including sources in the Biden administration and in corporate America.” There was also donor information, which is protected by the First Amendment. So why did the FBI take those phones? Still think all they were after was that diary?
On Thursday, Project Veritas was able to get a federal judge to order the FBI and the Southern District of New York to stop looking at the phones. But that sure sounds like locking the barn door after the horse is gone.
Evening Edition - November 12
November 12, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...The CDC comes under scrutiny
November 12, 2021
Mike Huckabee
With tens of millions of Americans having already had COVID-19, a lot of people question why the CDC refuses even to discuss a natural immunity exception to vaccine mandates. The agency claims that vaccination boosts immunity even for those who’ve already had COVID, but that relies on one study from Kentucky that’s contradicted by other studies.
But the agency is now coming under new criticism after admitting in a response to a Freedom of Information Act request that it doesn’t have a single case on record of an unvaccinated person who previously had COVID spreading the disease to anyone else.
As the linked article notes, “fact-checkers” are already rushing to stem the damage by insisting that this is not proof that people with natural immunity don’t spread COVID, just that the CDC isn’t keeping such records. That’s true, but it also obscures the important point.
The bombshell news here is that the CDC, which Americans are told to depend on as a reliable source for all the latest information on COVID, hasn’t even bothered to gather any data on one of the most important and contentious issues: the relative effectiveness of natural immunity. If they had, they might reach the conclusion that recovered people don’t need “vaccine passports” or to comply with vaccine mandates. This revelation makes them look more concerned with pushing an agenda than with amassing the most accurate data and being transparent about it. It only feeds the skepticism of those who already distrust the CDC. They’re not going to convince more people to get a shot in the arm by continually shooting themselves in the foot.
By the way, if you want to know more about the various studies and the arguments for and against natural immunity, this recent video by a professor of pharmacology summarizes it all pretty objectively.
Biden is in denial
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Joe Biden may be President of the United States, but judging from his response when he was asked about his dismal poll numbers, he must be running for Queen of Denial.
While the latest USA Today/Suffolk poll shows him at a historically low 38% approval, he insisted his polls were on par with Clinton’s and Obama’s and that he just saw a poll that had him at 48%. I assume he means the latest CNN poll (of course), but even that one shows 58% of respondents say he’s not paying enough attention to the most important problems. I checked the Real Clear Politics roundup of the latest 13 polls. Even including the Democrat-friendly ones, his average approval rating is 42.8%.
Still, Biden brushed off the question, saying, "But look, the point is I didn't run because of the polls." Darn good thing!
But that was only the tip of the denial iceberg. He also blamed his low ratings on Americans being anxious about COVID. He said, "Even though we've created almost six million jobs since I came into office, we're in a situation where people don't, I mean they don't feel it right now. They don't feel it." (Note: allowing businesses that were artificially shut down by the government to reopen and people to go back to work is not “creating” jobs.)
He went on, “Gas prices are up, exceedingly high…That's why I have the Attorney General taking a look at whether or not these gas companies are gouging people." Yeah, that’s the reason why gas is so expensive! Those same gas companies that were charging $1.89 a year ago suddenly realized they could gouge customers after he coincidentally declared war on the domestic fuel industry.
Supply chain problems? That’s all just COVID, man. But don’t worry, because with the passage of the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill (about $110 billion of which goes to actual infrastructure), widespread infrastructure projects will begin in "the matter of weeks."
I’m old enough to recall the last time Congress voted to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on “shovel-ready jobs.” Several years later, even Obama later had to admit there were no “shovel-ready jobs.” Because of all the green regulations and red tape that Biden wants to make even worse, no major infrastructure projects could launch without a decade’s worth of environmental studies first.
I’m sure he’ll find a way to ignore this poll, too: USA Today asked people what was the one thing they wanted to see President Biden do in the next year. The top answer was “Resign/retire/quit.”
A look at one of the groups behind the push to destroy free speech
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
This might be the most important article you’ll read all week.
The Democrats, news media, social media, Big Tech and other allies of the left have been far too successful in clamping down on free speech by conservatives. By accusing people who question their views and narratives of spreading “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech” or whatever other negative buzzwords they can apply to non-leftist views, they’ve succeeded in censoring anyone who questions shady election procedures; discusses the origin or medical treatments for COVID or any problems with the vaccines or mask mandates; or criticizes BLM, Antifa, Critical Race Theory or schools that push any of it. Next, they’re going to make it verboten to question apocalyptic climate change claims.
And who is behind much of this push to destroy free speech and silence any voices that dissent from leftist orthodoxy? Investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield has been digging into the background and organization of one of the leftwing cable channels’ favorite pompous talking heads, British leftist Imran Ahmed of the far-too-influential “Center for Countering Digital Hate.” And how legit is that? As Greenfield puts it, if you liked the dubious Brit material in the Steele Dossier, "you'll love the Center for Countering Digital Hate."
This is the group whose claims about rightwing “hate speech” and “disinformation” are cited by Senate Democrats and Big Tech in their endless quest to criminalize conservative speech. Read what Greenfield has unearthed about the sleazy background and secretive funding, staff and even address of this organization that’s being granted more power over Americans’ speech than the First Amendment. Learn how their next mission, one they’re already succeeding at, is to get Big Tech to censor any skepticism of the movement to confiscate and redistribute the world’s wealth in the name of “climate change.”
And speaking of climate change, see if you don’t feel a sudden chill at reading this quote from Ahmed:
“We can’t suppress anyone’s opinion or their ability to express their opinion, but what we can do is create costs for their speech."
In short, make Americans so afraid of what it might cost them to speak their minds that they censor themselves. Imposing “costs” on speech is by definition the antithesis of free speech.
Read it all, and then demand to know why American media outlets and social media companies are handing over power over our speech to this shady, censorious propagandist? Americans fought a Revolution so that we could express our thoughts freely without fear of retribution from a pompous tyrant with a British accent. Why are we allowing one to take that fundamental right away from us now?
How Leftists try to win arguments
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I’ve written many times over the years about how leftists can’t win an argument with logic or reason (that’s why they’ve now declared those things to be racist), or by citing history, experience or the prior success of their ideas and policies (all of which have been dumpster fires.) Instead, they “win” arguments via two main tactics:
1. Silencing or smearing their opponents by calling them racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, science deniers or whatever, so that their target audience never hears an opposing view…
2. Changing the terms of the debate.
It’s hard to use their own words, or any words, to prove how full of horse droppings they are when they’re constantly changing the meanings of words. For instance, there was once a clear term for judging people by race: “racism.” But now, judging people solely by race is “anti-racism” and criticizing that is “racism.” (“Horse droppings” is also probably now considered racist somehow, so we aren’t allowed to point out how full of them they are.)
Like birds that foul their nests and fly away, leftists move on to new words once the rancidness of their policies taints the old ones. I’m old enough to remember how “liberal” became virtually a curse word. Suddenly, liberals magically became “progressives.” Now that the public is finally figuring out that “progressivism” is just the same poison in a new bottle, some hope that time, fading memories and youthful ignorance have laundered the word “socialist” enough to allow them to return to that. But it’s all the same horse droppings under a different name.
This is all preamble for the good news that the public must be waking up at last to how toxic “wokeness,” “Critical Race Theory,” “politically correct,” “identity politics” and “Defund the police” are because “progressives” are suddenly desperate to make us stop using those terms. Never mind that they coined them and promoted them themselves. If you use them critically, you’re either blowing a “dogwhistle” for racists or you’re too dumb to realize that those things don’t even exist (even if your school actually uses the phrase “Critical Race Theory” in its curriculum documents.) And even though they don’t exist, you’re a racist if you criticize them.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently tweeted that pundits are using “woke” as a “derogatory euphemism for civil rights and justice.” No, “woke” doesn’t mean “civil rights.” The opposite, in fact. Civil rights include freedom of speech, assembly and religion and the right to due process. Woke culture has been relentlessly attacking all of those things for years. Saying that “woke” stands for civil rights is like saying that “A.O.C.” stands for “Absolutely, objectively correct.”
And here’s some more on why you’re no longer allowed to use the word “woke,” you racist you!
So now that the toxicity of these terms has become so obvious that the public is finally wise to them, expect to hear that it’s racist to use them (“racist” being the one term that never gets old on the left) and for them to be replaced with some new buzzwords that will also eventually be dumped once they absorb the stench of the reality of leftist policies. Might I suggest that “woke” be replaced with something more accurate, like “comatose” or “brain dead”?
(On a side note, have you noticed that they get to decide what we’re called – nonsense like “CIS white male” – but they also get to decide what we call them? And the media actually play along with that, as if these loons are the Divine Arbiters of Speech.)
For the final word (I hope!) on this, check out blogger Freddie deBoer’s post on this. He accurately points out that the term “dogwhistle” itself is “a way for people to simply impute attitudes you don’t hold onto you, to make it easier to dismiss criticism.” And he pleads with the left that if they don’t want us calling them what they call themselves, then how about telling us what they do want to be called? (Warning: he uses some rough language of his own out of understandable frustration.)
Of course, they can’t give us permanent terms because whatever they come up with will be operational only until their inevitable failure and obnoxiousness tarnish it. Then it will have to be replaced with some new term that, like a motel toilet seat, has been sanitized for their protection.
Matthew McConaughey's Covid Vaccine Comments
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I’m expecting to see more of this sort of thing as people get tired of being told to shut up and do what they’re told by the government: actor Matthew McConaughey says he’s going to need to hear more information before he lets his young children be given the COVID vaccine.
McConaughey made it clear that he and his wife are vaccinated. Because his 90-year-old mother lives with them, he did it because he “chose” to, not because he was told to. And he’s taken the pandemic very seriously and doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories. He said it’s time to “get off that narrative” of accusing anyone who expresses concerns about the vaccines of being a conspiracy theorist. His kids are 8, 11 and 13 (I’d note, ages at which COVID has had virtually zero effect), and he said rather than letting the government mandate that he give a new vaccine to them, "I still want to find out more information…There will come a time where you're going to have to roll the dice one way or the other and go: ‘Where are the numbers in my favor?’"
I generally don’t get into celebrity comments about political or public health issues, because they’re usually just so irrational and uninformed. But I thought you might be interested in this comment, because it’s so unusually rational, it’s brave for him to say it in an industry that runs on leftwing hysteria, and there’s talk of him possibly running for Texas Governor, so I thought you might want some insight into how he thinks.
If you’d like to see more about how unusual he is for someone from the world of Hollywood, here’s an interview I did with him last December. You might be surprised.
Evening Edition - November 11
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Veterans Day
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Today is Veterans Day, and with so much going on in the news, it would be tragic for it to be overshadowed or overlooked. Today is about something far more important than politics. It’s about the men and women who make it possible for us even to enjoy the freedom of having elections and the Constitutional right to protest and seek redress when we think our government isn’t doing right by us.
Memorial Day in May is to honor veterans who gave their lives in defense of America. But Veterans Day is to honor all veterans, living or dead, past and present.
It began as Armistice Day, declared by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919, to commemorate the end of World War I. In 1945, World War II veteran Raymond Weeks of Birmingham, Alabama, began a personal crusade to expand Armistice Day into a state holiday honoring all veterans. In 1953, an Emporia, Kansas, shoe store owner named Al King launched a campaign to make it a national holiday. Just one year later, in 1954, he succeeded. It helped that the President was a retired army general from Kansas named Dwight Eisenhower.
Not only is today Veterans Day, but yesterday was the 246th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. It commemorates the day in 1775 when the Second Continental Congress established the Continental Marines to serve in the war against Great Britain. After the Revolutionary War ended, the Marines were disestablished for a time until President John Adams reestablished the Marines as we know the Corps now, on July 11, 1789. But November 10th, 1775, is still considered the birth of the US Marines.
So if you see someone in uniform, this is a great day to say “Thank you” for protecting America’s freedom. Then again, any day is a great day to do that.
The National Audubon Society: "get woke, birds croak"
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
A little bird told me that yet another organization has gone “woke,” and its original mission appears to have been subverted by the recognition of the more important need to control the climate and achieve social justice.
It’s the National Audubon Society.
Write a letter to the Audubon Society expressing concern about the millions of songbirds destined to be killed by the dramatic expansion of wind farms along our coastlines, and you’ll get a response that knocks you sideways like a whirling turbine blade. It will come as a form letter that speaks first not about birds, but about the need for wind energy and lots of it.
“Thank you for reaching out to the National Audubon Society,” the letter reads. “Audubon strongly supports wind energy that is sited and operated properly to avoid, minimize and mitigate effectively for the impacts on birds, other wildlife, and the places they need now and in the future. To that end, we support the development of wind energy to achieve 100% clean energy.
“Wind power is an important source of renewable, carbon-free energy that is critical to replacing and reducing emissions from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas that cause warming of our planet.”
They explain: “Top scientific experts...agree that the effects of climate change are happening now and will get worse if warming is not limited to 1.5 degrees C. ...Beyond the climate impacts, wind power also avoids air pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion that disproportionately affects low-income communities and communities of color.”
I am not kidding. That part of the sentence is highlighted in bold and includes a link to a page on the NAACP website. Clicking that link got us a screen that said “Page Not Found” but that included a link to the NAACP home page so we could “get back in the fight for civil rights and social justice.”
“Ensure that Black lives are a priority in all spaces,” it said. “Help make racial equity a reality.” It called for fighting “police brutality, COVID-19, and voter suppression” and working “to disrupt inequality, dismantle racism, and accelerate change in key areas including criminal justice, health care, education, climate, and the economy.”
We saw that it’s time to “Build Back Black” with legislation designed to “address historic issues of structural and systemic racism by making key investments in several areas that have a profound positive impact on Black communities around the country. It is time to prioritize the needs and interests of Black America, while also addressing long-standing issues around the racial wealth gap and systemic racism.”
I have to say, we were confused. We kept looking for something, anything about the needs and interests of birds, even blackbirds, but there was nothing. Why had the Audubon Society sent us to the NAACP website to fight for “racial equity”? Do bird lives matter? They seem to be way down the list of priorities for the Audubon Society, who appear to be endorsing the “Build Back Better” bill.
Perhaps they’ve been listening to Nancy Pelosi talking about climate being “the existential threat of our time,” though Nancy was talking about the disproportionate effect on women. (We linked to this yesterday but wouldn’t want you to miss it.)
But we turned up something else that might explain the Audubon Society's current focus on racial equity. They're atoning for the fact that their founder, ornithologist and illustrator John James Audubon, owned slaves. An affiliated group, the Washington DC-area Audubon Naturalist Society, is even changing its name. The national organization hasn't announced plans to change its name, but we won't' be surprised when they do.
Anyway, the Audubon letter goes on to explain that because only about 7 percent of our energy needs are currently supplied by wind power, “the U.S. will have to dramatically ramp up deployment of wind energy technology, but some of the most obvious and easily accessible places have already been taken. As a result, finding places to site wind energy that minimizes risk to birds will be increasingly difficult.” So at least they plan to be involved in the “siting process.”
Oh, but wind energy is going to “help birds on a global scale,” they say, by “curbing climate change.” They are correct to say that warming (note: cooling as well) will affect birds’ habitat and range and could certainly endanger them. But they don’t take into account the other scientific experts who say that, regardless of whether or not the planet is warming and whether that has much to do with human activity, America could go to 100 percent renewable energy tomorrow and not significantly affect global temperatures. We could end up with “bird Cuisinarts” up and down our coastlines –- ruining them for birds and people –- and from sea to shining sea and still not be able to control the climate, certainly not with nations such as China actually increasing their use of coal. (China has suddenly said it’s going to work with the U.S. on climate, but we’ll believe that when we see it. Activities will reportedly be “self-policed.”)
China is also having a huge negative environmental impact in Africa.
The Audubon letter doesn’t discuss nuclear energy as an alternative, which would do much more to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels without knocking millions of birds out of the sky.
They acknowledge that wind power facilities can harm birds through “direct collisions,” habitat destruction, disturbance and displacement, and destruction of “important ecological links.” “Placing wind projects in the path of migratory routes makes this problem worse, especially for larger turbine blades that may reach up into the average flight zone of birds that migrate at night. As estimated 140,000 to 500,000 bird deaths occur per year due to turbine collisions, which is substantial, but significantly less than deaths caused by outdoor cats and building collisions.”
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Migratory Bird Program | Conserving America's Birds
But they have just said that wind power currently provides only about 7 percent of our power and that we will need dramatically more wind turbines. They also just said that as more wind turbines are placed, it gets harder and harder to find new locations that won’t impact migratory birds. Half a million birds today could be half a billion before we can generate enough wind and other renewable energy to take the place of fossil fuels, if that is even possible.
The letter goes on to talk about some ways Audubon can approach “advocacy in the siting and operation of wind turbines,” but it's obvious that they won't be trying to modify the scale of these projects.
They do mention one case in which they opposed a 2013 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rule that offered 30-year permits to kill and injure Bald and Golden Eagles (protected species), and a judge did overturn that rule. Score one for the birds in a contest that, if wind turbines continue multiplying, they are destined to lose. In its quest to be counted among the “woke,” the National Audubon Society isn't nearly woke enough to that.
Rittenhouse Trial Update
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
If the jury in Kyle Rittenhouse’s murder trial doesn’t vote to acquit, he’ll likely have excellent grounds for appeal on jury intimidation. A man claiming to be a friend or relative of George Floyd released a video that went viral, claiming activists were taking photos of jurors in the courtroom so they could retaliate if they didn’t vote to convict.
(Incidentally, the George Floyd/racism aspect of this case is a bit bizarre, considering Rittenhouse and the three men he shot are all white.)
Even if that video is nothing but Internet bluster, the very idea of such a threat might be enough to scare jurors out of being impartial, and that should be obvious grounds for an appeal.
However, despite the local bias against Rittenhouse (two-thirds of potential jurors said they’d already decided he was guilty), if the jurors are impartial, I don’t see how they vote any way other than acquittal on self-defense. The prosecution’s case has blown up in their faces so many times, you’d think the D.A. was Wile E. Coyote. Their “star witness” contradicted their narrative of Rittenhouse chasing the men down (they chased him down.) FBI surveillance video also contradicted it. Another witness testified that one of the men shot was acting aggressive and threatened to kill him and Rittenhouse.
On Monday, the prosecution called to the stand the only agitator shot by Rittenhouse who survived. He claimed he was running toward Rittenhouse to save him from the other two who were attacking him, and that he yelled at one to stop hitting Rittenhouse with a skateboard. But the defense attorney forced him to admit, “with the benefit of hindsight,” that that wasn’t true. He also got him to admit that he was advancing on Rittenhouse and pointing a pistol at him when Rittenhouse shot him. The state’s case imploded so thoroughly, a prosecutor was caught on camera face-palming (burying his face in his hand in frustration.)
The defense also pointed out that that guy is suing the city for $10 million in damages, but he didn’t mention in his filings that he was carrying and pointing a gun at the time he was shot.
The jurors might fear riots if they don’t vote guilty, but Nick Arama at offered an alternative: the defense could ask the judge for a directed verdict.
That means the judge could rule that no jury could possibly be convinced of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and throw out some or all of the charges. The mainstream media aren’t covering the terrible job the prosecutors are doing, but if there are riots, their bias could be a contributing factor. Anyone who riots over Rittenhouse being acquitted definitely wasn’t informed about what's going on in that courtroom.
Biden does a 180 on Veterans
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I don’t want to politicize Veterans Day, but there is too much in the news at the moment to ignore, relating to the sudden 180 that’s occurred in the relationship between our service members and those in command.
Last Veterans Day, our service members still had a Commander in Chief who had made their welfare a top concern of his Administration. He constantly praised our troops, went out of his way to show respect for them, and made fixing the shameful conditions at VA hospitals one of his first priorities. He was also rightly proud of being the first President in decades who started no new wars. He was willing to use the military when necessary, but he made sure their hands weren’t tied. He respected that these heroic men and women were willing to put their lives on the line for the USA, and he felt it his duty not to make them take that risk for less than vital reasons, and to give them every advantage to make sure they came home safely.
All that changed with the 2020 election. Since Biden came into office, it seems as if he and his staff and top military leaders are more concerned with waging war on our own troops than in ensuring we can defeat our enemies abroad. They treat members of the military with suspicion and hostility, sifting through their social media pages and treating those who express conservative views as worse threats to America than ISIS. Service members are threatened with dishonorable discharges and loss of the benefits they put their lives and limbs on the line to earn, just because they object to taking a vaccine they don’t want (even religious objections are not respected.)
This Administration thinks that illegal immigrants who don’t like the way they were treated when they were detained for breaking our immigration laws deserve $450,000 in compensation, 4-1/2 times more than Gold Star families receive when a loved one is killed in the line of duty. They also continue to spend outrageous amounts of tax money to shelter, support and transport illegal immigrants, even as homeless veterans live on the streets and go without needed medical care.
Perhaps worst of all, Biden’s botched pullout from Afghanistan needlessly cost the lives of 13 brave service members. Yet to this day, the only military person who’s faced any consequences for that was a Marine Lt. Colonel who was jailed and discharged for calling on his superior officers to show some accountability.
So yes, there are many, many reasons why I am counting the minutes until I can vote to throw all of these people out of office. But as I’m checking the boxes on the ballot, I can assure you that the #1 thought in my mind will be, “This is for the veterans.”
Morning Edition - November 11
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...The Left considers tolerance of criminals in this city
November 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
San Francisco voters elected a far-left district attorney who promised “progressive justice reform,” and they’re getting it good and hard. Releasing the same career criminals to victimize citizens again and again…not prosecuting nonviolent crimes of less than $950, which has incentivized gangs of shoplifters to openly loot store shelves and drive stores to close…kowtowing to drug addicts and homeless people until the streets are filled with garbage, needles and feces...
But the San Francisco Chronicle reports that city leaders and residents who are now living in constant fear are baffled over what could possibly be done about all this? Maybe the answer is tolerance…of criminals:
“Should they tolerate a high level of burglaries as a downside of city living and focus on barricading their homes? Should people who are repeatedly accused of stealing be targeted with rehabilitation services or incarcerated so they can’t commit more crimes?”
Supervisor and “justice reform” advocate Rafael Mandelman is frustrated. The city’s leftist leaders claim that jailing criminals “fails to address the underlying factors” such as poverty and addiction (which they address by giving junkies free heroin needles.) Speaking of two constant repeat offenders, Mandelman said, “It raises tricky questions about incarceration. Because so far we’ve been unable to release (them) without them committing more crimes. And the question for reformers is, ‘What do we do with someone like that?’”
Yes, ‘tis a puzzlement. It’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma. What can you possibly do with criminals who just keep committing more crimes every time you let them out of jail? Hmmm...
This is your brain on leftism. And you thought heroin was a terrible drug!
p>Did anyone there who’s aghast at the poor criminals having to live behind bars ever consider that if people have to barricade themselves in their homes to be safe, then all the law-abiding citizens will be living behind bars? And they did nothing to deserve it. Well, other than vote for leftist morons to destroy their once-great city.
Last month, Derek Hunter at wrote a great article about how he used to feel sorry for people suffering in Democrat-run cities, but he just can’t empathize anymore because “They vote for this, they elect these idiots who implement these asinine plans and policies.”
And they just keep doing it again and again, even as everything slides deeper into the sewer. One of his many examples was San Francisco, where as bad as it’s gotten, “not a single elected Democrat in the city (fears) anyone taking their job, outside of the rare primary challenge.” And those primary challengers are usually even further left.
But I’m a little more optimistic. Hunter assumed that Virginia would elect yet another Democrat and keep careening over the leftward cliff, but the voters finally rose up and said, “Enough!” Maybe someday, even San Franciscans will get fed up with dodging criminals, homeless mental cases, addicts, drug needles and feces and actually force themselves to vote for some Republicans to save their city. Maybe they’ll finally stop playing out Einstein’s definition of insanity over and over.
I will maintain hope, but I won’t hold my breath. Unless I’m forced to visit one of these poop-covered, garbage-strewn, urine-soaked, Democrat-run cities. Then I’ll definitely be holding my breath.
Evening Edition - November 10
November 10, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...This Biden nominee hates America, praised the Soviet Union
November 10, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Ever since day one of President Biden taking office, a debate has been raging over whether his Administration is malicious or just almost supernaturally incompetent. Nobody wants to believe that a President (or more likely, his staffers who are really pulling the strings) would deliberately inflict so much damage on America. But could anyone possibly be dumb enough to think that throwing open the borders or shutting down the domestic fuel industry or pulling troops out of Afghanistan BEFORE evacuating our people, etc. etc. etc., could be anything other than disastrous?
Then, just as you’ve almost convinced yourself that they couldn't really hate America, they’re just really terrible at their jobs, they give you more evidence that it’s the former. Meet Cornell University law professor Saule Omarova, Biden’s nominee to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the most powerful and important regulator of banks, financial institutions and the US dollar.
She brings to the job such a long history of hostility to the banking industry and the established system that keeps our economy stable that it’s sort of like appointing Lex Luthor to oversee Superman. Her longtime dream is to kill the private banking industry and create a “National Investment Authority,” an independent government agency that would “centralize and nationalize strategic spending,” replacing the free market economy with a controlled economy, like that of China.
She’s praised the old Soviet Union for not having a “gender pay gap,” and she also recently told a conference that her NIA would direct capital toward “green” energy companies and away from the oil, gas and coal industries, because “we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.”
This is the type of idiotic blather that George Orwell called so absurd that only an intellectual could believe it. FYI: some European nations tried replacing reliable energy sources with insufficient and unstable alternative sources, and they ended up freezing in the winter and dying of heat stroke in the summer. And it could happen again, because leftists never learn from their mistakes, since their disasters are always someone else’s fault.
These are the type of grandiose, revolutionary pipe dreams that hothouse academics have been pushing for years, except the only places they actually work are in theory and in faculty lounges. Previous Administrations were smart enough to keep them there, but Biden actually wants to put one of these bubble-dwelling revolutionaries in charge of our money and our energy supply. That’s why it’s hard to believe anyone could have America’s best interests at heart and do that out of simple stupidity.
Omarova’s ideas are so out there, and would clearly be catastrophic to America’s economy and the free market, that even some Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee, including Sens. Jon Tester, Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Warner, are reportedly reluctant to confirm her. Surely, Biden can find someone better to deal with America’s money and energy interests. If not, try throwing a dart at the Dallas phone book.
Trump request is denied
November 10, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Not surprisingly, a federal judge denied an executive privilege request by former President Trump to block the House’s January 6th Committee from having access to White House records. They claim to want to see if Trump helped plan the January 6th “insurrection,” and they’ll be able to get the records Friday, but Trump’s lawyers plan to appeal. Details are here:
Trump accuses the Committee, which is so stacked against him that Nancy Pelosi took the unprecedented move of refusing to accept the Republicans chosen by the House Minority Leader to be on it, of wanting to see White House records and notes of private, classified conversations with advisers to go on a fishing expedition for anything they can leak to smear him.
He called on the Biden White House to defend executive privilege, but they refused. Some legal experts say that's a very short-sighted decision. We’ve already learned that “Contradict Trump” is their prime directive, and any resultant damages don’t matter, whether they’re from opening the border, shutting down oil production or undermining the Presidential right to executive privilege that I imagine Biden will be heavily relying upon himself in the near future.
Incidentally, to show you the politics-uber-alles attitude of this Administration, White House counsel Dana Remus argued that the documents requested by the committee could "shed light on events within the White House on and about January 6 and bear on the Select Committee's need to understand the facts underlying the most serious attack on the operations of the Federal government since the Civil War."
Really? FYI to the White House counsel: Here’s some info on the actual bombing of the Senate in 1983 by leftwing radicals known as the “Armed Resistance Unit,” who also plotted to kill Henry Kissinger:
And here’s the media-suppressed story of the Bernie Bro who nearly murdered Rep. Steve Scalise in a shooting spree at a Congressional softball practice, where he’d hoped to kill enough Republicans to alter the balance of power in the House. He had a record of violent anti-Republican and anti-Trump media posts, including on a Facebook page called “Trump Is Not My President.”
Both of those things sound like more serious attacks on “the operation of the federal government” than January 6th. And like the Civil War itself, they were launched by Democrats.
Morning Edition - November 10
November 10, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - November 9
November 9, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 9
November 9, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 8
November 8, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Solomon: Durham's indictments show Hillary "was in up to her neck"
November 8, 2021
Mike Huckabee
That’s what investigative reporter John Solomon told FOX NEWS’ Maria Bartiromo on this week’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”
In fact, if you saw our reports last week about new developments in the Special Counsel investigation, Bartiromo’s interviews with both Solomon and former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe will serve as a great summary and follow-up. (And if you didn’t see them, these interviews will help catch you up.) Here’s the link to that episode; Bartiromo’s coverage of the Durham probe starts about 17 minutes in.
Solomon, who told Maria the Danchenko indictment shows the Trump-Russia investigation was built on “lie upon lie upon lie,” has a new report at JUST THE NEWS in which he shifts to Durham’s look at top FBI officials.
According to Solomon, Durham has two “buckets” of evidence he’s assembling, one implicating the Clinton campaign and the other involving top intel personnel and their willingness to mislead with falsified evidence in their pursuit of Trump. He told Bartiromo that “many other [intel] people are being examined at this moment.”
“There’s no doubt there’s activity inside the grand jury right now,” he said, “aimed at looking at top level officials at the FBI.” Red flags were raised on the Steele “dossier” as early as August of 2016 but were obviously set aside. A month later, the CIA tied it to the Clinton campaign, but sent their report on this to...Peter Strzok. The FBI even had a spreadsheet indicating all the dossier’s impossible or uncorroborated claims.
Solomon says the latest criminal indictment, that of Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source Igor Danchenko --- alleged to have made false statements five times to the FBI --- is just as much an indictment of the FBI as it is of him. The FBI should have seen the serious flaws in the “dossier” even though Danchenko didn’t tell them about getting the material from Clinton ally Charles Dolan.
Incidentally, Dolan wasn’t Danchenko’s only named sub-source. One of the others, “Sub-source #4,” Alexey Sergeyevich Dundich, claims Danchenko “framed” him as a sub-source “to add credibility to his low-quality work.”
“My impression is that Mr. Danchenko fabricated the information published in the Dossier to make quick money,” he declared. “It is apparent to me that the Dossier is a deliberate fraud and a collection of idle rumors.”
But if the “dossier” was so obviously bogus, why didn’t then-FBI Director James Comey, deputy Director Andrew McCabe and lead “Crossfire Hurricane” investigator Peter Strzok dismiss it as such? They clearly knew it was a hoax. As retired FBI intelligence chief Kevin Brock says, “The fact pattern that John Durham is methodically establishing shows what James Comey and Andrew McCabe likely knew from Day One, that the Steele ‘dossier’ was politically-driven nonsense at the behest of the Clinton campaign. “And yet they knowingly ran with its false information to obtain legal process against an American citizen. They defrauded not just a federal court, they defrauded the FBI and the American people.”
He went on to say that this has destroyed trust in the FBI. “As Comey cashes his royalty checks from a book and a movie, where do everyday, working FBI agents go to get the Bureau’s reputation back? The damage done by Comey, McCabe and others to the trust that Americans have traditionally placed in the FBI is incalculable.”
Indeed, as the depth of this deceit becomes increasingly evident, there will no doubt be calls to dismantle the FBI and completely start over. I would say the person most qualified –- and motivated –- to restructure the intel bureaucracy might be none other than Mike Flynn. Now THAT would be justice.
I would also add that, in exploiting this fakery after Trump became President, it was THEY at the Justice Department –- as opposed to Trump supporters –- who were involved in a coup, ultimately engineered by Hillary Clinton and her allies. I hope this is where Durham is headed.
One defense the FBI will likely try, to defend itself against charges of corruption, is that this happened because of incompetent people at the top, but that doesn’t wash. As Solomon points out, one FBI official, Kevin Clinesmith, has already admitted doctoring a piece of evidence that was used to get the Carter Page warrant. And these people are highly skilled at protecting themselves legally. Recall that Comey even gave up his security clearance so he wouldn’t be able to testify about classified matters. Not so incompetent when it comes to covering his backside.
Former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes has known about the Clinton connection for years now. “We already knew the Steele ‘dossier’ was orchestrated and funded by the Democrats, and now we know that a Democrat operative, who’d been a registered Russian agent and was closely linked to Kremlin officials, served as a direct source for the dossier’s fabrications, he told JUST THE NEWS in a reference to Charles Dolan. “As I’ve said for years, the only people who colluded with Russians were the Democrats.”
As for Peter Strzok, he went on MSNBC Thursday and actually denied to Rachel Maddow that there was ever an FBI investigation of the Trump campaign, which is a blatant lie. (I assume he’d justify this statement by saying Carter Page was no longer with the Trump campaign when they got the warrant against him; this is a dodge that is easily dismantled.) He said that what “certain far-right commentators” are saying about that is “nonsense.”
Solomon just smiled and shook his head at this, saying that Strzok’s own original statement that started the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation was that they were “looking at whether individuals associated with the Trump campaign were coordinating or conspiring with Russia.” The Trump campaign was mentioned a dozen times in the first FISA application, submitted in October of 2016 at the height of the campaign.
“He was lying the other night,” Solomon said. “There’s no other way to say it politely.”
Sara Carter, in an appearance this weekend on Steve Hilton’s FOX NEWS show THE NEXT REVOLUTION, brought up a couple of interesting facts we didn’t know about Fiona Hill, a star witness in Trump Impeachment #1. Not only did she introduce Igor Danchenko to Christopher Steele, but she also introduced Clinton crony Charles Dolan to Danchenko. All of these connections appear to center around the solidly anti-Trump “think-tank” the Brookings Institution, headed by big-time Clinton ally Strobe Talbott. Also, Hill was working closely at the time with H. R. McMaster, the person who replaced Michael Flynn as Trump’s new national security adviser after the FBI set Flynn up and destroyed his career. It seems that practically every day, there’s another puzzle piece or two to put in place.
Morning Edition - November 8
November 8, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Sunday Standard - November 7
November 7, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - November 7
November 7, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...McCarthy: Durham "has his sights set on the Clinton campaign"
November 6, 2021
Mike Huckabee
On Thursday, Special Counsel John Durham made news by issuing his third indictment in his Trump-Russia Hoax investigation, that of Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source, Igor Danchenko. (The first two were FBI document-falsifier Kevin Clinesmith and Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann.) He’s charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI. It was also revealed that Danchenko’s source for the more fantastic tales in the anti-Trump “dossier” was Charles Dolan, who could hardly be more closely tied with the Clintons. Dolan’s attorney, apparently seeing the writing on the wall, just came out and said that, yes, his client is the source referred to in the Danchenko indictment.So, once again, the lies and corruption can be traced back to the Clintons.
On Friday, legal analyst Andrew C. McCarthy weighed in for the NEW YORK POST on the significance of Durham’s moves, saying they indicate he “has his sights set on the Clinton campaign.” McCarthy literally wrote the book on the Russia Hoax; it’s called “BALL OF COLLUSION: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency” and is highly recommended reading in light of these new indictments.
Danchenko, as we reported yesterday, worked for five years at the Brookings Institution, a Washington “think-tank” with close ties to the Clintons. McCarthy reports that Brookings’ former president Strobe Talbott is an F.O.B. (“friend of Bill”) dating back to their college days, and he also worked in Hillary’s State Department.
It was at Brookings that Danchenko met Fiona Hill, a witness in Trump Impeachment #1 and the person who introduced Danchenko to Christopher Steele a decade ago.
In fact, it was Strobe Talbott who showed her the “dossier.” Hill testified she thought at the time that it was “a rabbit hole.” She saw in 2016 that Steele was “obviously out there soliciting information” and that she saw him as a target for Russia, for whom this was “a great opportunity to...present him with information that he’s looking for that can be couched in some truth and some disinformation.”
But now it's clear: it wasn’t Russia that supplied him with disinformation. IT WAS THE CLINTON POLITICAL MACHINE.
Hill even stated that “I don’t think it’s appropriate for him to have been hired to do this.”
If I were George Stephanolpouos –- hard to imagine, I know, but go with me –- having just done an interview trying to rehabilitate the image of Steele and his fake “dossier,” I would be feeling really stupid right now.
Interestingly, Strobe Talbott is the brother-in-law of Cody Shearer, who wrote his own “dossier” about Trump and Russia in 2016. The phony dossiers were apparently just flying around Washington DC that summer.
Danchenko defended his work at Brookings to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, saying that a review of his file would show “a lot of groundbreaking research and analysis.” Really? It doesn’t seem that his standards for verifying research are very high, considering the “research” (lies and gossip) he passed along to Steele only breaks new ground for salaciousness.
According to Durham’s indictment, Danchenko made up a story that the president of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce –- not identified in the indictment, but his name is Sergey Millian –- told him that Trump had been involved in a “conspiracy of cooperation” with Vladimir Putin’s government. Millian has denied being a source for the “dossier,” which he called “fake news created by sick minds.”
If only it could have been dismissed in the beginning as exactly that.
As McCarthy reports, Danchenko is also alleged to have concealed the fact that one of his sources for the “dossier” is longtime Clinton crony Charles (“Chuck”) Dolan (“PR Executive - 1” in the indictment).
For a deeper dive into the details of the indictment and the fabrications of Dolan and Danchenko, here’s a very clear account.
The FBI used the “dossier” in October 2016 to get a FISA court order to spy on Trump campaign associate Carter Page. But they didn’t attempt to verify the information in it by talking to Danchenko until January of 2017. By then, they had already gotten a 90-day extension on their Carter Page warrant.
According to McCarthy, “It appears that Durham theorizes that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a political attack manufactured by the Clinton campaign.” Ya think? We’ve waited five years for this --- the REAL narrative --- to come out in any official way.
It’s been so obvious for so long. Steele was paid to create the “dossier” by Glenn Simpson of opposition research company Fusion GPS, which was hired by the law firm Perkins Coie, which was run by attorneys Marc Elias and Michael Sussmann, whose clients were the Hillary campaign and the DNC. There it is. And now we know that Dolan supplied the lies and Danchenko was used as the intermediary.
By the way, it turns out that even Fiona Hill, who seemed so concerned in 2016-2017 about Russian disinformation, does not now believe the Russians stole the 2016 election for Trump. “The voters who had swung the ballot for Donald Trump in critical counties in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan were swayed by consideration of their own personal, family and communal circumstances, not by the fake internet personas derived by Russian intelligence services.”
So very true. Now, somebody tell that to MSNBC.
Gregg Jarrett of FOX NEWS has a must-read commentary on the Clinton machine and their outrageously phony scheme that is appropriately scathing.
Finally, now that Dolan has been identified and his political connections made clear, it’s helpful to get in our time machine and go back to October of last year, when Jarrett –- in another must-read –- outlined other evidence, declassified by then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and presumably now in the hands of the special counsel, that the plot to tar Trump with false allegations of “colluding” with Russia came, ultimately, from…
...Hillary Clinton herself. As Jarrett said, “Her malevolence knows no bounds.”
AOC knows why
November 6, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows why Democrats were wiped out for the first time in years in Virginia: they just weren’t left-wing enough.
AOC said if only the candidates hadn’t moderated their stances so much, they would have energized the “progressive” base and won.
As usual with her statements, there are multiple layers of “flat wrong” in there. First of all, you can’t win an election just by turning out “progressives.” A July 2020 Gallup poll found that only 26% of Americans self-identify as “liberal.” Pew found that even among Democrats, only 47% describe themselves as “liberal” or “very liberal.” The majority say they’re either “moderate” or “conservative.” I know that math isn’t the strong point of socialists, but neither 26% nor 47% of half the population is a majority.
Also, Virginia’s new Attorney General-Elect Jason Miyares pointed out to that before the election, the House of Delegates was 55-45 Democrat, and they passed every piece of “progressive” nonsense that came in front of them, from “social justice” to the Green New Deal to gun control to unfettered abortion. Surely, that must’ve “energized” “progressives.” All 100 seats were up for reelection, and when the votes were counted, the House of Delegates had flipped Republican by 52-48.
So here’s the truth: it wasn’t that Democrats didn’t run far enough to the left. It’s that they governed far to the left, the people got a bellyful of that, and they turned out in droves to kick them out of office.
This is what comes from living in an impenetrable ideological bubble. You think your ideas are wildly popular, just because all the people you talk to like them.
Incidentally, if your brain is hurting from trying to analyze AOC’s explanation of the Virginia election, you may need a crate of Excedrin after hearing her explanation of why there’s inflation and why the cure is for the government to spend another $5 trillion at bare minimum.
Morning Edition - November 6
November 6, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Durham does it again with another indictment
November 6, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Igor Danchenko, the Russian national living in the Washington DC area who was allegedly Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source for the fictional “dossier” –- in reality, opposition research funded by Hillary’s presidential campaign –- has been indicted by Special Counsel John Durham, who is looking into the origins of the Trump-Russia “collusion” scandal, otherwise known as the Trump-Russia HOAX or, as we like to call it, “My Big Fat Russia Conspiracy Theory.”The Special Counsel seems to be very gradually and methodically connecting all the dots leading back to Hillary and her 2016 presidential campaign. As law professor Jonathan Turley said Thursday, “Danchenko’s arrest is a seismic development and confirmed Durham is far from done with his investigation.”
Danchenko has been charged with five counts of making false statements. According to Turley, he had told the FBI that Steele asked him to look for compromising material on Trump and also said the dossier was “unsubstantiated” (that part’s true). Danchenko had his own source for crazy dossier stories, and he’s listed anonymously in Durham’s indictment as “PR – Executive -1,” now confirmed to be a man named Charles Dolan, described by Turley as “a close Clinton adviser who had held high positions within the Democrat Party and prior Clinton campaigns.”
In fact, Dolan’s attorney, Ralph Martin, has come out and said Dolan is the PR executive. And it appears that Dolan had the very kind of contacts within the Russian government that Trump and his campaign were falsely accused of having. Joel B. Polack at BREITBART has more details from the indictment.
Dolan apparently gifted Danchenko with an autobiography of Hillary Clinton, with the handwritten inscription, “To my good friend [Igor]. a great Democrat.” Dolan definitely fits the description; he has served “as chairman of a national Democratic political organization” and “state chairman of former President Clinton’s 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns,” as well as “adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.” He had also been appointed by President Bill Clinton to two four-year terms with an advisory commission at the State Department. During the 2016 Hillary campaign, he actively campaigned and participated in calls and events on behalf of Hillary Clinton.”
Turley thinks Danchenko is the sort of participant that prosecutors think they can “flip” to give information on the key players who used him in this effort. These might range from Steele himself to Clinton counsel Marc Elias to Clinton campaign officials.
Samuel Chamberlain at the NEW YORK POST calls Charles H. Dolan, Jr., “an elusive ally” of the Clintons. The charging document accuses Danchenko of intentionally misleading the FBI when he told them he hadn’t spoken to Dolan about any material in the Trump-Russia file.
The evidence shows he had, though. In August of 2016, Danchenko emailed Dolan to say he was working on “a project against Trump” and to ask him for “any thought, rumor or allegation” (!) about Paul Manafort, who had recently resigned as Trump’s campaign chairman. Dolan emailed him back to dish some dirt that he said he got from former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski over a drink. That email appears almost verbatim in the Steele dossier.
But the indictment says that Dolan told the FBI that the “drink with a GOP friend” was made up, and that all he gave to Danchenko was gleaned from news reports.
Adam Goldman and Charlie Savage reported on the Danchenko indictment for THE NEW YORK TIMES.
The dossier was intended to show that then-candidate Donald Trump was “colluding” with the Russian government for help in getting himself elected President. Nothing of consequence in Steele’s series of memos has ever been verified, but that didn’t stop Trump’s enemies from issuing hysterical made-up media reports in service to the hoax, some of which persist to this day.
Also, it was because of the Steele dossier that a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant was granted in October 2016 for the FBI to spy on Trump campaign adviser and American citizen Carter Page. Through him, they were able to spy on the entire campaign and even go ‘back in time’ to look at previous communications. And the fabricated contents, which included a salacious story involving Russian prostitutes at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton (we all know the one; it likely came from Dolan), were printed by BUZZFEED just days before Trump’s inauguration.
Though primary source Danchenko is Russian by birth, he resides in the Washington DC area and the material he related was thirdhand at best. The FBI knew after they interviewed him that his “information” was not necessarily true, but they went with it anyway, after Hillary’s attorney’s pressured them from every side.
According to the NYT, a “Justice” Department inspector general report from 2019 sharply criticized the FBI “for continuing to cite material from the dossier after the Bureau interviewed Mr. Danchenko without alerting judges that some of what he had said had cast doubt on the contents of the dossier.”
Danchenko was also interviewed by the NYT, and said that he had been tasked only with providing “raw” information to Steele. He apparently has been investigated to see if he’s a Russian agent, but he denies that strongly.
As the NYT reports –- they must be trying to get ahead of this story –- “Mr. Steele’s business intelligence firm was a subcontractor to another research firm, Fusion GPS, which in turn had been hired by the Perkins Coie law firm, which was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Mr. Danchenko said he was not aware of who Steele’s client was at the time and considered himself a “nonpartisan analyst and researcher.”
But Danchenko worked for the extremely anti-Trump “think-tank” the Brookings Institution from 2005 to 2010. Last February, Durham used a subpoena to retrieve from there his old personnel files and related documents. If you have time, it’s interesting to see what the NYT reporters wrote about that back in April.
TOWNHALL also reported Danchenoko's indictment.
Finally, recall that the person who apparently introduced Danchenko to Steele was...(drum roll, please)...“Trump impeachment star” Fiona Hill. REDSTATE reported this back in January. But they assumed this story would go away; they weren’t counting on Durham piecing it all together.
Evening Edition - November 5
November 5, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - November 5
November 5, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 4
November 4, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Congrats and THANKS to Virginia Lt. Gov.-elect Winsome Sears
November 4, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Winsome Sears is a name we’ll be hearing a lot more in the coming days and years, now that she’s won the 2021 race for Lt. Governor in Virginia and shown herself to be the most refreshing spokesperson in America on the issue of race. Leftists, better sit down: she did it by saying we need to think a lot LESS about race. You folks at CNN and MSNBC who talk compulsively in terms of “dog whistles” (which only you hear) and “code” (which only you recognize) will probably not have her as a guest very often, as she will good-naturedly wipe the floor with you every time.
Sears is black and makes it clear she “identifies” as black, having immigrated legally to the U.S. from Jamaica at age 6, in 1963 when the Civil Rights Movement was still raging. But today, she clearly sees the damage caused by the relentless emphasis on race. “We’re framing too many issues in terms of race and it just continues to divide us,” she told FOX NEWS’ Martha MacCallum on Wednesday. “And, unfortunately, politicians are using it as a tool because of the things that have happened to us historically to advance, I would think, their nefarious purposes.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, I am black,” she said in her speech to introduce Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin early Wednesday. “And I have been black all my life, but that’s not what this is about.” Yes, she's the first black woman to win statewide office in Virginia, but that’s not the way she wants to think of this achievement. “I didn’t run to make history,” she said. “I just wanted to make it better than I found it. And with your help, I’m going to do that.”
Stop looking at race, she says, and start looking at people. “I didn’t do anything special to get here except stay in school and study,” she told MacCallum. She's right; that’s the best advice any young person could get. Success is just being in America and taking advantage of the opportunities here.
One way she did that was to join the U.S. Marine Corps. “When I joined the Marine Corps, I was still a Jamaican,” she said. (She was 19 then and became a U.S. citizen one year later.) “But this country had done so much for me I was willing to die for tis country.”
Later, when she wanted to attend college but had three children under age 5, she was just determined, even putting one of her kids on the back of her bicycle with her to get to class, and she earned a masters degree in organizational leadership from Regent University. Before she got into politics, winning a term from 2002 to 2004 in Virginia’s House of Delegates --- the first black Republican woman and first naturalized citizen to do so, and the first Republican to win a majority-black district since 1865 --- she was the director of a Salvation Army homeless shelter. She also led a men’s prison ministry.
After leaving politics, she became the owner of an appliance and plumbing repair store in Virginia –- having learned electronics in the Marines –- and also served as vice president of the Virginia Board of Education. Her run for lieutenant governor this year marks her return to politics after almost two decades.
“America allowed me to come and do for myself and my family,” she said. “No one can say to me I don’t know what it is to be poor. You’re looking at the American Dream.”
“We’re always going to have problems,” she said. “I understand that. I’m not saying we’re perfect. But you can see those people at the border right now trying to get in. They’re dying to get in because they know if they can put a foot on American soil, the trajectory of their lives will change just as it did for my father.”
She noted that times have changed since her father arrived here with $1.75 in his pocket. “There are some who want to divide us and we must not let that happen,” she said in her speech. “They would like us to believe that we are back in 1963 when my father came.” But we’re not. “I’m living proof,” she said.
On “FOX & Friends” early Wednesday morning, before her win was official, she showed herself to be a good spokesperson for those of faith as well, calling her projected win “a God thing.” She said she had little money, a ragtag staff, and was outspent and “outgunned, if you will.” And yet it happened.
Speaking of guns, we linked yesterday to a picture of Sears looking every bit the Marine, confidently carrying her AR-15 at a target range last April. If you missed it, here it is.
Gun-control activists in Virginia have been trying since 2019 to put in place new restrictions on “assault” weapons, but the win by this strong 2nd Amendment advocate does not reflect positively on their chances.
During her campaign, she advocated for increasing pay for teachers and law enforcement, cutting taxes and expanding veteran care centers. And even though she de-emphasizes race in our political dialogue, she also said she’d push for the creation of a Black Virginians Advisory Cabinet for the governor and for a “once-in-a generation investment” in historically black colleges and universities.
Here are a few more details about this rising star, from her campaign website.
One of the best profiles we’ve found of her was written by Eleanor Vaughn for AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, in September, as the campaign was in full swing.
Here’s another good one, which mentions that Sears actually is dismayed by the dismantling of Confederate statues. “The curious thing,” she said, “is that I have spoken to enough black people, and what they’re telling me is they wanted the statues up, so that they could talk to their children about who this person was, what they did, what they didn’t do.” (See, it’s as Trump said: there ARE “fine people” on both sides of the statues argument.)
Incidentally, the Squad completely ignored the win by THIS black female. Surprised?
At this writing, Sean Hannity’s Wednesday TV interview of Sears had not yet been posted, but I hope you'll check it out. Her words to Democrats not telling her how to vote because she’s black are magnificent.
Sears definitely has a sassy side. Here she is in a tweet spoofing Kamala Harris shortly she and Joe Biden were elected. And yes, “based” is a compliment, and it fits. It means to have some swagger, to not care much what others think.
This one is a hoot as well.
No, Sears is not a natural-born U.S. citizen, but perhaps someday we’ll be considering the repeal of that one qualification for President. Hey, she wasn’t born here, but she got here as fast as she could. Congratulations, Winsome Sears.
Morning Edition - November 4
November 4, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Climate hypocrisy
November 3, 2021
Mike Huckabee
While real problems in America continue to snowball, and fuel costs are skyrocketing as winter approaches, President Biden and many of his Administration’s top officials are in Glasgow, Scotland, working on fixing the weather. They’re attending COP26, the big climate change summit. How big? So big that 30,000 elites flew in, mostly on private jets. Of course, that included John Kerry, who arrived on a jet that emits more CO2 in an hour than the average American generates in six weeks.Amazon founder Jeff Bezos arrived on his own Gulfstream jet, straight from fellow “green” billionaire Bill Gates’ birthday party, for which guests were flown by helicopter to the party on a massive super yacht.
At the event, these government and industry elites got to hear Britain’s Prince Charles tell them that they had to launch a “vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector,” using the “trillions at its disposal, far beyond global GDP,” to create a “fundamental economic transition” to green power. Pretty grandiose talk for someone who’s 72 and never held a real job.
Maybe they could start by setting an example and holding these meetings via Zoom. Oh wait: all of the rest of us already spent the past year setting that example for them, but it didn’t seem to do any good.
To bring all this talk of remaking the world to control the weather back down to Earth, here’s Richard Fernandez at PJ Media reminding us of what all this rhetoric will really mean: sky-high gas and heating fuel costs, widespread energy shortages, and trillions of dollars spent on green energy boondoggles that are not capable of meeting the world’s needs, so a lot of people will be freezing in the dark. It’s like that old joke (“What did socialists use before candles?” “Electricity”) written on a global scale.
Well, they might not be able to create a viable source for clean energy, but at least there is no limit to the creativity greens have when it comes to spending other people's money and inventing excuses for when their policies fail. Fernandez writes of one of the more recent: if wind turbines can’t meet energy demands, it’s not because the wind can’t blow hard and often enough to replace oil. No, it’s because climate change is causing “global stilling.”
Well, maybe that’s one problem the giant collection of blowhards in Glasgow could actually fix.
New from Paul Sperry: How the Clinton machine pushed Alfa Bank
November 3, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Paul Sperry has a tremendous new update on the investigation into the 2016 Clinton-initiated Alfa Bank hoax. For all the details, you can go to his article at REAL CLEAR INVESTIGATIONS at the link, but we’ll summarize and comment at length here.Sperry’s sources who have been briefed on special counsel John Durham’s ongoing investigation say the scheme was much broader than previously known and involved “multiple U.S. agencies.” Newly declassified documents suggest the same thing. Seriously, is anyone surprised by this?
Hillary’s campaign, led by then-Perkins Coie attorneys Michael Sussmann and Marc Elias, worked to convince Obama’s State Department (formerly run by Hillary), FBI/Justice (“Justice”) Department and even CIA to look into the hoax, and kept the pressure on even after Trump was inaugurated in 2017. The Clinton machine just kept pushing and pushing from a variety of angles. “The deception was wide-ranging,” Sperry’s briefed source told him.
(NOTE: We generally are wary of anonymous sources, but Sperry has been consistently right, and sources concerning an ongoing investigation have to remain anonymous. We have never been steered wrong by Paul Sperry.)
Durham’s “speaking indictment” of Sussmann deals with his prodding of the FBI to investigate the false Trump Tower/Alfa Bank “pinging” story and implies a great deal about how that was set up. Durham has emails that show the Clinton campaign knew that this story was a “red herring” but fed it to the FBI anyway as “a very useful narrative.” One of the researchers said “we’d have to expose every trick we have in our bag to make even a very weak association...We cannot technically make any claims that would fly public scrutiny.” But that didn’t stop them from doing it.
What’s new is that after Sussmann approached the FBI with their fake story in September of 2016, as detailed in the “speaking indictment,” the campaign then approached the State Department with the same story, this time from “dossier” imagineer Christopher Steele. Two days later (by now we’re in mid-October), his contact sent the information to the FBI’s top Eurasia/Russia counterintel official, Stephen Laycock. Laycock sent it to...(drum roll, please)...Peter Strzok, plus another supervisor.
At this point, the FBI acted on the flimsy rumors, interviewing tech vendors who worked for the Trump Organization and actually obtaining warrants to search the Trump Tower servers. It was days after this tip that Strzok used the “dossier” to get the warrant to spy on Carter Page.
Clinton foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan, who is Biden’s national security adviser now, was apparently in charge of the narrative, and he released a written statement about the Trump/Alfa Bank story. SLATE reported it, after being pressured by Hillary-funded Fusion GPS to do so. Then Hillary tweeted Sullivan’s statement on October 31, just days before the election. Her lead line was totally made up: “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russia-based bank.”
After Donald Trump shocked the pants off them all in November by winning the election, the Clinton people doubled down on their hoax. (Really, after all that effort, why let a good hoax go to waste? It’s not as if they were going to accept the results of the election.) It was in mid-November that they went back to the State Department, where Bruce Ohr, wife of Fusion GPS researcher Nellie Orh, was a top official. Ohr gave the FBI two thumb drives he had received from Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson and quoted his (Clinton) sources as saying the Trump/Alfa Bank story was real.
As Paul Sperry reports, the FBI finally closed their case after finding no basis for the claim, but THEN...Sussmann, again without revealing his Clinton ties, took it to the CIA, to John Brennan’s general counsel. (This is like a Tale from the Crypt –- the thing that wouldn’t die. And now we know why Durham also accuses Sussmann of misleading “Agency -2,” the CIA.) Then the CIA schlepped it to another FBI liaison, who appears to have been...(drum roll, please)...Peter Strzok. Yes, again.
In a new court document filed this past week, Durham revealed that he now has over 80,000 pages of documents in response to grand jury subpoenas issued to more than 15 targets and witnesses, including the computer contractors he enlisted from Georgia Tech. Sperry’s sources tell him that some of these witnesses have been granted immunity and are cooperating.
The CIA isn’t supposed to be involved in domestic political issues at all --- that must be why they passed the story back to the FBI to do the dirty work and damage Trump. As Jonathan Turley said, “One would expect a CIA official to express reluctance in an investigation that would have largely a domestic focus. But as with the FBI, the Clinton campaign found eager officials to move on any such allegation.”
Jake Sullivan kept at it, too. In February of 2017, he teamed with Glenn Simpson and Daniel Jones, an FBI agent-turned Democrat-operative whose name no doubt will become increasingly familiar, to breathe new life into the story. Sullivan is under scrutiny for lying to Congress about his role in this. Jones reached out to his former FBI colleagues, who, unbelievably, re-opened the Trump-Alfa Bank case even though they had originally found nothing to them.
They went BACK to the building that housed the Trump server in question, Examination showed the “pings” between Tower and Alfa Bank to be nothing but...spam marketing emails.
This was all an investigation about nothing. So, of course, the FBI and the media immediately announced that there was nothing to the Trump-Alfa Bank story and apologized profusely to President Trump for their mistake. Haha, I'm kidding.
Strzok has tried to distance himself from the Trump-Alfa Bank story and complained in LAWFARE that Durham is conducting “a partisan witch hunt on behalf of Trump.” To that I’d sat that Trump deserves vindication, and Durham’s hunt seems to be turning up quite a few actual witches.
Jonathan Turley wrote on his website back in September about the “journalist” who wrote the first media piece about the (fake) Trump Tower-Alfa Bank connection, Franklin Foer. Durham’s “speaking indictment” tells how Fusion GPS pressured him to publish it. “The Investigative Firm’s Employee’s email stated ‘time to hurry’ suggesting that Reporter -2 should hurry to publish an article regarding the Russian Bank -1 allegations. In response, Reporter – 2 emailed to the Investigative Firm Employee a draft article regarding the Russian Bank -1 allegations, along with the cover message: Here’s the first 2500 words.”
It’s clear that In the end, Foer took his chances with a flimsy story because he didn’t want to see Trump elected. Remember this next time you see any other anti-Trump or anti-conservative hit piece in the mainstream media. They’ve lost whatever credibility they might have ever had.
Morning Edition - November 3
November 3, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Was it just fake news?
November 3, 2021
Mike Huckabee
You’ve heard all the caterwauling from the left over a Southwest Airlines pilot allegedly saying, “Let’s Go, Brandon” (the euphemism for a strong diss of President Biden), over a plane’s intercom. The outrage mob is shaking their flaming torches at Southwest’s executives. Their groveling apology isn’t enough! This pilot must be identified, fired, pilloried, shamed and barred from ever working again for committing the unpardonable thought crime of expressing an opinion that intolerant leftists disagree with (and according to polling, a majority of regular Americans wholeheartedly endorse.)Well, there might be a problem: it’s possible nobody ever actually said that. And the “journalist” who claimed to be on the plane and to have heard it claimed it happened on October 29th, which turns out to be 18 days after the alleged audio of it was posted on social media.
So it’s possible that the left is acting like their hair is on fire over a complete hoax, which would make “Southwest Brandon-gate” the latest version of “Russian Collusion”-gate.
Incidentally, I’d like to highlight the very telling comment in that linked story from a triggered leftist on Twitter: “This pilot is encouraging violence against flight attendants with this statement.”
PJ Media’s Robert Spencer notes how they’re trying to equate all conservative speech with violence. But I’d like to ask another question: if simply hearing the pilot say “Let’s Go, Brandon” would spark someone to commit violence against a flight attendant, who, exactly, would be committing that violence? Surely not conservatives. And how would mindless violence from leftists who go into a rage and attack innocent people just because they heard a differing political viewpoint be the fault of the pilot?
Seriously, is there any point at all at which these people become responsible for their own behavior?
When politicians tell you they want to fix the economy, you better vote for new politicians
November 3, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I’m not sure why people who want to be economists go to an expensive school and spend years studying something that’s really pretty simple. If there is a bunch of something, the price goes down because there’s so much of it, the seller needs to unload it. If there’s not much of something, the price goes up because the buyer has a hard time getting it and will pay more just to be able to obtain the things he or she needs or wants. And another rule is this—most people in government, especially the ones who have only been in government and never been in business or signed the front of the paycheck, just aren’t real smart about the economy works. And that’s why when they tell you they are going to fix it, you should know they are about to really screw it up. And recently, that’s just what they have done. What I’m about to tell you isn’t so much about Democrats or Republicans or the left or the right. It’s about the right and the wrong, and we’ve got some folks really getting it wrong when it comes to how much it’s going to cost YOU to put gas in your car, heat your home this winter and put groceries on your table and clothes on your family.
For about a year, the government has been paying people not to work. The idea was that Covid and the government-mandated shutdown cost a lot of people their jobs. Now keep in mind that not a single GOVERNMENT employee missed a paycheck. Even if they didn’t have to show up for work, no one got laid off from the government. And they felt bad that they were getting paid for doing nothing and figured they ought to pay others for doing nothing as well. It made sense when government ordered businesses to close and workers really did get laid off. But when the economy starting to coming back, the employees didn’t. Some realized that with government benefits, there are no taxes or take-outs, and some people made as much or even more money not working than working, so they got used to getting up at the crack of noon and watching Netflix all day. Even though there are “Help Wanted” signs on every street in America, people stayed home. And the government’s brilliant idea to fix that? Keep paying them for not working. I learned something from raising kids and training dogs: If you want a behavior to continue, reward it; if you want a behavior to stop, consequence it. If you punish people for working by taking out chunks of their check in taxes and social security obligations but reward others with tax free income for doing nothing, more and more people will take the doing nothing option. And remember that when there is a lot of stuff, it costs less, but when there is a lot of need but little supply it costs more? There’s a huge need for workers, but small supply, so labor costs more. And that makes everything else cost more. And because Joe Biden turned off our pipelines and punishes our home-grown energy industries and transportation industries because he thinks “climate change” matters more than feeding your family, your gasoline costs much more, groceries are up between 10-20%, and shelves are empty in our stores. You have to work really hard to be that dumb about turning a great economy into one where politicians brag about how money they are borrowing from your grandkids while no one can afford bacon and eggs or the gas to get to work.
When the politicians tell you they want to fix the economy, you better vote for some different politicians. The best way to FIX the economy is to get the politicians out of it, pay people to actually work instead of sitting home, and let farmers farm, let builders build, and let YOU decide whose business ought to be supported based on what you decide to buy and how much you’re willing to pay for it. See, you don’t need a PhD in economics to understand that. Just some common sense and a government that gets the heck out of your way!
Evening Edition - November 3
November 3, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...A good day for Republicans
November 3, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Tuesday was a good day for Republicans, America, parents and the Atlanta Braves. It was a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day for Democrats, President Biden, arrogant educrats, pushers of racist Critical Race Theory, leftist celebrities, Major League Baseball virtue signalers, and the anchors of MSNBC, whose on-air meltdowns attracted so many gleeful conservative viewers that it probably gave them their first ratings boost since Trump left office. Jonah Goldberg tweeted that it was “pretty wild” seeing them try to claim that all these Virginia voters who voted for Biden by ten points a year ago are now “idiots, racists and/or dupes.” I look forward to the inevitable YouTube compilation videos.At this writing, Terry McAuliffe has finally conceded to Republican Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia Governor’s race (guess Marc Elias won’t have to “find” a truckload of “mail-in ballots”) in a state that Biden won by 10 points last year. In an even bigger shocker that nobody saw coming, New Jersey Republican Jack Ciatarrelli is one-tenth of a point ahead of incumbent Democrat Gov. Phil “I’ll hit you with the vaccine mandates after I’m reelected” Murphy, whom the polls had leading by 11 points. Of course, that race could change as the count continues, or if someone pops open a car trunk, rolls a body aside and pulls out a few ballot boxes.
But while those races are still nailbiters, there was good news up and down ballots at all levels and across the nation. It’s such good news that political analyst Larry Sabato ruefully described it as a “blood bath” for Democrats.
For instance, Virginia will now have its first black female Lieutenant Governor in Marine veteran Winsome Sears (a Republican), who’s also the first black woman ever to be elected statewide in Virginia – although she says this isn’t about race, it’s about the American Dream. You have to read about her victory speech and see her photo at the link. I think you’ll fall in love.
The state will also have its first Hispanic Attorney General in Jason Miyares, who is Cuban-American and also a Republican. So if it’s true, as Democrats claimed, that the Republicans were running solely to promote racism, then they must be as bad at white supremacy as the Democrats are at everything else.
Ben Shapiro had the best tweet on that: “Condolences to VA on becoming radically racist again, according to the electing a black female lieutenant governor and a Cuban-American attorney general, rejecting racial essentialism in schools, and replacing a Dem governor who wore an actual KKK outfit.”
Republicans also retained Ohio’s 15th Congressional District seat, when Trump-endorsed Mike Carey defeated Biden-endorsed Allison Russo in a landslide. But the Democrats retained the heavily-blue 11th District seat, so this won’t change the balance in Congress.
In another shocker, the media retracted its victory calls for three entrenched Democrat Assembly members in New Jersey after deciding it was too close to call between them and their underfunded challengers: an EMT, a Realtor and a truck driver. And by “underfunded,” I mean truck driver Edward Durr may unseat the state Senate president with a campaign that cost him less than $200.
One of the lowest-level races produced one of the most satisfying results. In Braintree, Massachusetts, Matthew Lynch was forced to resign from his job as a school teacher after what he calls a “digital lynch mob” posted photos of him at the Capitol on January 6th and smeared him as a domestic terrorist. It even resulted in a visit from the FBI. Tuesday, the military veteran and former teacher was elected to the Braintree school board.
The anti-Biden/Democrat overreach/CRT groundswell is good news for all America because of the potential chilling effect it could put on the “progressives’” mad march to try to shove through “fundamentally transformative” legislation with a tiny House majority and a tie Senate. Even former Obama adviser David Axelrod admitted that seeing such a massive grassroots rejection of the leftist agenda, including in blue states, could be making Democrats who are up for reelection 2022 in swing districts rethink their votes on Biden’s big government spending bill.
Some of the victories in Tuesday’s elections weren’t wins for Republicans, since there are so few of them in certain places, but at least wins for sanity. For instance, in Minneapolis, 57% of voters rejected an Ilhan Omar-backed move to dismantle the police department and replace it with a vague “Public Safety Department” that would be under the control of the same mayor and city council responsible for the precipitous decline in public safety. George Soros’ laughably-named “Open Policy Center” (should be called “Open Borders and Jails Center”) pumped $650,000 into pushing that measure, and I can’t think of anyone whose money I’d rather see wasted.
All the votes have yet to be counted in Seattle, but more moderate, pro-business and pro-police candidates have what appear to be massive, insurmountable leads over far-left, “defund the police” candidates. They include Mayoral candidate Bruce Harrell, who at this writing has a 30-point lead over “progressive” council president Lorena Gonzalez. So cutting the police and allowing your city to be burned and looted, crime to skyrocket, and Antifa radicals to take over a large piece of the city while you describe that as a “summer of love” wasn’t popular with voters? Who could’ve predicted that?
And in Buffalo, New York, Democrat Mayor Byron Brown lost to AOC-backed socialist India Walton in the Democratic primary, but he refused to give in and waged a successful write-in campaign. With 97% of precincts reporting, 41% of the vote was for Walton while 59% were write-in votes. Brown declared victory, but the write-in votes still have to be checked to make sure they’re for him (Who else? Trump?) But of course, Walton is still refusing to concede. As a good socialist, she assumes his write-in votes belong to her.
By the way, have you noticed that when Republicans question an election, it’s an assault on democracy; but when Democrats refuse to accept an election result, they’re protecting the right of every voter to have a voice?
It’s good to see Democrats finally getting “woke” to how the far left has hijacked their primary process, and starting to fight back. These often Soros-backed candidates target safe blue districts and run stealth campaigns in primaries in which most voters assume the incumbent is a shoo-in, so they don’t bother to vote. This is how cities end up with DA’s who refuse to prosecute criminals, and it’s how we got AOC in Congress (even though he could’ve run and won, the incumbent refused to challenge her for “the good of the party,” but it doesn’t seem to have done his party or America much good, has it?)
I’m a Republican, but if we have to have some Democrats in office, let’s at least get back to electing reasonable ones, not America-hating, socialist nutjobs.
Evening Edition - November 2
November 2, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - November 2
November 2, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - November 1
November 1, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - November 1
November 1, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Sunday Standard - October 31
October 31, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Mike Huckabee
Let me explain something to Democrats in Washington: when the states act as laboratories for new ideas, you’re supposed to take only the successful experiments to adopt as national policies, not the failed ones. Yet California’s AB-5 law that’s killing the gig economy and worsening the supply chain crisis appears in a national version in Biden’s $3.5 trillion spendapaloosa bill.And now, after leftwing district attorneys did away with cash bail and started letting criminals go free – which has contributed to a huge spike in crime in blue cities – President Biden announced that he plans to take that national, too, and ban setting cash bail for violent criminals.
This is tucked into his new 42-page National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality, which has to be the most obvious attempt at distraction from what’s really going on since magicians discovered scantily-clad female assistants. Heaven knows, America has no pressing problems that need to be addressed, so it’s time for Biden and his cohorts to focus like a laser beam on “gender equity.”
By the way, part of the connection made between “criminal justice reform” (i.e., legalizing crime and letting criminals run amok) and “gender equity” is that violent crime against trans people is up. Yes, but that’s mostly because, thanks to these Bozos, violent crime against everyone is up. Murder is up 30% (35% in large cities), in the wake of leftist politicians releasing criminals while defunding the police. It’s the biggest annual increase in murders in 30 years.
Of course, Rep. Ilhan Omar, who is the living embodiment of this insane crime-superspreader policy, is now blaming the rise in violent crime on the police. Rep. Dan Crenshaw summed up her lunacy perfectly in one tweet:
Plot twist in Virginia
October 30, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I always urge Republicans not to pay too much attention to polls. The only poll that matters is the one taken on Election Day (or if Democrats have their way, Election Month, plus the week after.) But the campaign of Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe must be looking at the polls and finding them scarier than any Halloween haunted house. Particularly a new Fox News poll that finds support for McAuliffe has cratered since he started siding with leftist school boards over parents. The shocking new poll shows Republican Glenn Youngkin now in the lead by one point among registered voters and by eight points (53% to 45%) among likely voters.
To illustrate how big a turn-around this is, just two weeks ago, McAuliffe was leading by 5 points among likely voters, by 11 points among registered voters, and by 10 points among likely voter parents, who now prefer Youngkin by 14 points!
As always, I’ll remind Republicans not to let good polls make you complacent. If you’re in Virginia, you need to get out and volunteer, campaign, vote and take your family and friends with you. You’ve got a lot of Democrat money, machinery, media and malfeasance to overcome. Thanks to the DC suburbs that are enriched by federal spending, a Republican hasn’t won statewide office in Virginia since 2009, but maybe the usual awful effects of blue rule are finally reaching critical mass.
(Incidentally, former President Trump clarified that his recent statement about election fraud possibly discouraging Republicans to vote “was in no way meant to imply that I would tell them not to vote,” and that “regardless of anything or anyone, we must get out the Republican and SANE VOTE!” The caps are his. You heard the Donald, get out and vote!)
Meanwhile, someone is obviously taking these bad poll numbers for McAuliffe seriously, and that’s his own campaign, which at this point can reasonably be described as “snake bit.” The candidate has committed one gaffe after another, from alienating parents to storming out of TV interviews. Lately, he’s been aligning himself with professional sore loser Stacey Abrams, and he recently seemed to endorse her widely-debunked claim (i.e., “Big Lie”) that the 2018 Georgia Governor’s race was stolen from her.
Now, word has come that McAuliffe’s campaign has hired a name all too familiar to readers of this newsletter, Democrat super lawyer Marc Elias of the notorious Perkins Coie law firm, famous for their roles in ginning up the false “Russian dossier” claims about Trump and suing to change state voting laws in 2020 to help elect Biden.
Law professor Jonathan Turley called the Elias hiring “an astonishing move” and suggested it might mean McAuliffe is planning to break his vow not to challenge the election results if he loses. This prompted Fox News reporter Tyler O’Neil to email McAuliffe spokesperson Christina Freundlich for a response.
Her response was to forward the email to colleagues with the question, “Can we try to kill this?” Which we know because she mistakenly included O’Neil in the list of email recipients.
As of this writing, the campaign had yet to respond to Fox News’ request for comment. Not even accidentally.
Now, that’s what I call a snake-bit campaign. But to look on the bright side, if McAuliffe and his team are this disorganized and incompetent, voters are lucky they’re finding out now instead of after the election, like Biden voters are.